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Introducing the HTL Finale: 4/15/2024 04:41:10

Level 65
*Starts joining all Harmony tournaments*
Introducing the HTL Finale: 4/15/2024 11:28:05

Level 63
HTL is a great initiative, thanks to Texx for creating it, putting effort into it and overall being a great member of the community!
Introducing the HTL Finale: 4/16/2024 10:57:11

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
pity I read this only now. Didn't know I was 9th in something that could bring me money
Introducing the HTL Finale: 5/12/2024 15:06:49

Level 61
The final tournament of first Public Season is here! In preparation for the Grand Slam in October, the tourney will be on Volcano Island!

John’s script has allowed a change to the points structure of public tournaments, as I was previously hamstrung by the amount of effort required in entering names. Now, instead of just the top 32, the top 96 will get points.

The new points system:
1st = 100
2nd = 60
3rd = 40
4th = 30
5-6 = 20
7-8 = 15
9-12 = 10
13-16 = 7
17-24 = 5
25-32 = 4
33-48 = 3
49-64 = 2
65-96 = 1

This means you must reach either the 4th round of the upper bracket, or the 6th round of the lower bracket, to score points in a tournament. The previous points system required 6th & 9th respectively.

This change hasn’t seen a large increase in the gaps between those that were already at the top of the rankings, since they’d accumulated most of their points from deep runs into tournaments. Rather, those scrambling for the final qualification spots in the midfield was most shaken up, since the players who joined a lot of tournaments, but fell just short of top 32, caught up to the the players who joined a couple tourneys and did great.

The updated standings:
(75% complete, estimated cutoff = 73 points)

Introducing the HTL Finale: 5/12/2024 17:02:32

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Hawks Top League
Introducing the HTL Finale: 5/27/2024 17:17:29

Level 61
Nice project
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