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Grover's Cafe: 4/22/2024 21:24:47

Level 63
Doesnt that just come for free with the rain?
Grover's Cafe: 4/24/2024 16:42:05

Darth Grover
Level 52
Have you ever seen the rain?
Grover's Cafe: 4/24/2024 17:53:33

Level 63
Purple rain
Grover's Cafe: 4/25/2024 09:52:18

Level 58
I was purple once
Grover's Cafe: 4/25/2024 11:42:32

Level 63
Did they lock you in a room then?
Grover's Cafe: 4/25/2024 12:46:21

Level 58
A purple room!
Grover's Cafe: 4/25/2024 22:27:27

Level 63
Sounds like youre crazy....
Grover's Cafe: 4/29/2024 20:05:05

Level 18
Coffee is bad. It decreases depth, which means that it decreases contextual comprehension. Ginger, on the other hand, increases depth, so it enhances contextual comprehension. Ginger's appearance looks like an extension, which means that it's a blessing, so it's good for fluency, contextual comprehension, creativity, memorization and longevity.

Fruits, vegetables and metals have meanings. Banana looks like a smile, so it's good for happiness. Cinnamon looks like a scroll, so it's good for focus and wisdom.

I advice you to put ginger (about 30 grams) in a banana milkshake. Ginger increases the effect of the fruit it mixes with.

Edited 4/29/2024 20:06:40
Grover's Cafe: 5/1/2024 16:01:18

Darth Grover
Level 52
I dated a ginger once. It did NOT enhance my contextual comprehension.

How do you know that you aren't holding the banana upside down?

Edited 5/1/2024 16:01:35
Grover's Cafe: 5/1/2024 21:08:26

Level 63
upside down bananas have the wrong kind of bow to them
Grover's Cafe: 5/18/2024 20:41:39

Darth Grover
Level 52
That actually explains a lot...
Grover's Cafe: 5/20/2024 13:02:00

Level 63
whoha, a Darth Grover! are you back alive?
Grover's Cafe: 5/20/2024 17:53:55

Level 18
I spoke about that coffee is bad due to it decreasing depth, but I know what's good for depth, though. The answer is classical Arabic without dots. Arabic without dots is good for creativity, contextual comprehension and fluency. The Arabs in the past used to use Arabic without dots. Learn Arabic, good-wise. Lots of letters will resemble each other in Arabic without dots. One will be able to figure out hidden meanings if he gets used to Arabic without dots. With Arabic without dots, one has to dig to know the context, hence why it's so good for creativity, code skills, fluency and contextual comprehension.
Grover's Cafe: 5/20/2024 18:53:04

Level 63
Instructions unclear. I learned Arabic and now everyone calls me squiggles.
Grover's Cafe: 5/21/2024 06:29:30

Level 63
Grover's Cafe: 5/21/2024 14:49:11

Darth Grover
Level 52
Error 404
Grover's Cafe: 5/23/2024 17:43:21

Level 18
Arabic without dots will maximize your understanding. Your depth will increase by a lot if you use Arabic without dots and diacritics a lot. If you have mastered Arabic without diacritics and dots, then you'll be able to figure out hidden meanings. Meanings of fruits, vegetables and metals for example. A banana looks like a smile, so it's good for happiness. Cinnamon looks like a scroll, so it's good for focus and wisdom. Copper makes one think about fire, so the meaning is light. Copper is good to use as a conductor. Copper has the highest electrical conductivity rating of all non-precious metals. Why does copper makes one think about fire? Because of it's color. Just check out "copper metal" on Google. People's faces have meanings too. If you see someone without eyelids, it means that he doesn't need a lot of sleep. Chinese people don't sleep as much as people with big eyelids. Big eyelid people sleep more.

Another interesting thing is that there are owls with inward faces. This inwardness indicates reverseness. This means that they can see in the dark. It indicates that they have a night vision.

With regard to another thing that's good for contextual comprehension; which is ginger. Ginger's appearance looks like an extension, and this means that it's a blessing. (Blessing means "increase and growth") Since ginger looks like an extension, it's good for fluency, contextual comprehension, memorization and creativity.

To be able to fathom hidden meanings better, one can go a level higher than just Arabic without dots and diacritics. But I have to then explain what "ludeqry" is. Ludeqry is the art and science of turning a foreign word into the taste of the targeted language. For example, the arabized word for "the espresso" is "Al-Isfiraazah" (الإسفرازة). The verb for "ludeqry" is "to ludeqrize." Using newly invented Arabic words on a non-dotted Arabic text is very useful for memorization, contextual comprehension and imagination. With ludeqrized words it will give an international feeling, which enhances imagination more than if it were new Arabic words of Arab origin. With Arabic words of Arab origin there is more grip to it, so there's less likelihood of forgetting it. Ludeqry is useful for creativity, because one masters the art of changing gear in taste. If one is an expert in taste, he will know when to apply a certain taste in a new situation. Ludeqry is easily done by focusing on the consonant letters, and picking these to then apply the taste of the targeted language.

Arabic is the epitome of taste. No language matches Arabic in taste. When one has mastered Arabic, then he has acquired a new form of taste, which is useful for creativity.
Grover's Cafe: 5/24/2024 23:13:03

Darth Grover
Level 52
It's almost like Owl used google translate to say something...
Grover's Cafe: 5/25/2024 19:03:59

Level 18
Arabic is the most superior language.
Grover's Cafe: 5/26/2024 12:51:16

Level 63
Doubt it
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