Forum: Programming

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My idea for a mod: dynamic kill rates
by allusernamesaretaken12
6 1/23/2020 07:35:34
by Huitzilopochtli
Improvement For Diplo Games
by Thomas
2 1/23/2020 07:32:58
by Huitzilopochtli
Card Idea/Question
by Huitzilopochtli
1 1/23/2020 07:26:38
by Huitzilopochtli
LD on overlapped
by Vash the stampede
7 1/6/2020 15:09:18
by DanWL
A World Trade Mod
by [IA] Rezgo
4 12/15/2019 03:35:12
by Huitzilopochtli
Deployment Limits Mod - not working?
by M. Poireau
4 12/4/2019 05:21:13
by M. Poireau
Can we get these templates modded already?
by Vulcan
2 11/26/2019 22:49:46
by Timinator • apex
A player contacting a whole team
by Viking1007
9 11/10/2019 12:14:09
by Toua Tokuchi
Mod for multiattack through own territory
by krinid
13 10/25/2019 20:34:11
by krinid
100 PacktHub for 60$ ?
by Help
1 10/21/2019 07:43:55
by Help
Article in Wired re: AI causality, not correlation
by LeBorgne
1 10/15/2019 14:24:23
by LeBorgne
Simple mod request
by Svitz
13 10/13/2019 09:20:35
by TBest
Gift Gold Mod Broken
by Zazzlegut
3 10/11/2019 12:44:19
by Zazzlegut
New Tournaments Tab
by Jack
2 9/28/2019 23:25:39
by Checkmqte
Looking for mod testers
by DanWL
2 7/23/2019 06:59:20
by DanWL
Anyone know VBA?
by DanWL
8 7/6/2019 22:42:44
by h
Learn a new programming language
by h
9 6/24/2019 15:37:22
by h
New features
by PowerB®
3 6/18/2019 12:35:13
by PowerB®
Can AIs pick us less?
by unɐq ǝɔuɐɥƆ
7 6/15/2019 16:09:28
by Fizzer
Income-sharing mod
by Marigold Sunshine
3 6/6/2019 15:28:17
by TBest
trouble creating game
by dkbose95
4 5/29/2019 15:04:39
by Fizzer
Custom Tournament Platform - Seeded Tournaments
by -B
1 4/22/2019 16:43:20
by -B
Is there any blog or tutorial on how to coding AI?
by Sir John Suckling
8 3/12/2019 06:35:51
by Beren Erchamion
anyone here knows to program in Unity?
by ViralGoat
7 3/10/2019 00:53:02
by TBest
Suggestion for when a game ends.
by Stag
6 1/24/2019 14:06:34
by Zndy
Mods (fizzer request)
by alex1
4 1/20/2019 23:14:18
by The Furious Logan
New Chat Feature.
by Sandgroper
13 1/20/2019 23:09:08
by The Furious Logan
Help with indie kind of browser game.
by Misser
6 1/20/2019 00:44:47
by ps
Custom Tournament Platform
by -B
20 1/14/2019 20:44:29
by talia_fr0st
Days of Christmas (in Morse code)
by DanWL
7 12/30/2018 03:41:07
by DanWL
API overlapping settings
by bootmatt
3 12/29/2018 00:42:45
by DanWL
API Error list
by bootmatt
5 12/28/2018 23:09:28
by bootmatt
CLOT request
by Investor
13 11/29/2018 01:39:16
by DanWL
UJS question...
by Pine98X
3 10/31/2018 19:56:27
by 89thlap
Download map failed
by [NL] Goldtank
6 10/29/2018 17:20:06
by [NL] Goldtank
Diplo mod needed
by ViralGoat
10 10/27/2018 17:32:30
by ViralGoat
coin wheel
by [NL] Goldtank
5 9/26/2018 18:21:25
by Nate Kenobi
Saving a custom single player game
by Piet Piraat
5 9/13/2018 17:28:42
by Piet Piraat
2 checkboxes at QM templates (feature request)
by Rheumakay
8 8/29/2018 07:00:16
by Rheumakay
How did Fizzer do networking?
by h
11 8/26/2018 03:46:39
by h
What hosting service does Warzone use?
by h
3 8/17/2018 22:49:18
by Nauzhror
Unity: mobile/web
by linberson
8 7/20/2018 15:39:02
by Sakata Gintoki
Warzone for the windows 10 store
by [NL] Goldtank
2 5/31/2018 16:32:14
by DanWL
Hide Threads & Replies by Poster Official (3)
by DanWL
20 5/20/2018 17:21:03
by DanWL
iOS bug
by Ringo
5 4/24/2018 01:28:16
by Ringo
5 hidden threads
[b]UI/UX critiques[/b]
by y45
3 7/31/2019 07:27:27
by y45
by GeneralKarl
2 6/7/2019 05:39:01
by DanWL
Trying to make warzone stats
by bootmatt
5 1/12/2019 16:35:13
by bootmatt
API for tournaments
by bootmatt
13 12/8/2018 08:40:54
by IRiseYouFall
WL scripts on other website
by Kicker
4 5/27/2018 12:48:43
by Kicker
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