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Diplomacy Mod Ideas: 8/31/2017 05:51:18

Level 51
I've seen Fizzer's thread and I'd like to add on a few suggestions, feel free to add your suggestions below. I think there should be a add on that allows a player to declare war on another. It starts by a player clicking on another player's name, that's how I think the Diplomacy should function. It gives a variation of options to use on a given player. Declaration should be one of them, a player should be able to set how many turns after the declaration should they be in war. Also, it should be set up so that no player may attack another without declaration, there could be variations of declarations like invading (which doesn't mean that players are free to attack one another. It means that a player should be able to send a notification to the other end saying that this player is going to invade you, it gives a chance for defense. I also think that group alliances should be a thing, for example, if I'm China and I send Russia and alliance then I will be his ally, if I send Vietnam an alliance then Russia, China, and Vietnam are allies as China created the alliance. I also think that alliances should be given names to help for Roleplay. I also think that a player should be able to gift coins to another player, and in the other players turn they should recieve the coins on their menu {in game}. There should also be a Good and Bad relations bar showing how you affected this other player through diplomatic actions. The host should be also be able to alter game events. For example, the mod explains a certain event that the host has programmed into it in public chat and all players are to receive this event, there should also be private events that can be used for one or more players. A player should also be able to send threats to another player through diplomatic events (Should be listed as one of the things when clicking a player's name). I also believe that players should be able to join wars but need a proper Casus Belli, like Imperialism (if set by the host), spread ideologies or religions, etc. players should be able to help their allies in wars. There should also be different maps that show different aspects of the world, these maps should be altered in settings. That's all I have for now though.

Edited 8/31/2017 05:51:52
Diplomacy Mod Ideas: 8/31/2017 08:54:40

Level 63
player should be able to gift coins to another player

Coins can't be gifted. Did you mean Gold?

Declaration should be one of them, a player should be able to set how many turns after the declaration should they be in war. Also, it should be set up so that no player may attack another without declaration

These are contradictive, but I know how this would be possible.

What do you mean by 'different maps that show different aspects of the world'?

Edited 8/31/2017 08:55:05
Diplomacy Mod Ideas: 8/31/2017 09:50:22

Level 63
Diplomacy Mod Ideas: 9/1/2017 16:13:45

Level 51
By `different maps should show different aspects of the world` I meant a kind of EU4 related system in which we are able to see how different things function in the maps, like religion, alliances, etc. I think that these should be able to be altered so that hosts can play around with the maps and try out new possibilities, like changing which territories have which religion. There should also be a map that shows ethniciteis, thank you for replying btw. Yeah, I made a mistake on the first paragrpah, I did mean gold.

Edited 9/1/2017 16:18:09
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