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A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 11:58:41

I never use this I am sorry
Level 41
Could someone please message the player BlackBart this apology?

Dear BlackBart,

I have acted in a most dishonorable and insincere manner whilst playing with you in our many games. After constantly questioning the rules and judgement, I write to you now to say ... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for being a total "douche", "dickhead", "Stupid Idiot and Bad Troll". I ... I honestly don't know what came over me ... I really appreciate the many, fun games you post, and I am an active participant in them.

It would be a terrible shame, if I could no-longer fight beside you, (or against you), in the future.

So I ask today, will you accept my apology, unblock me and allow us to play together.

Sincerely* ... Jordan Mark (Combat Wombat) #AcceptWombatsApology

(Don't add this) *haha, not really but ye. What he did to me was kind of outrageous, Blacklisting me for literally, trying to "friend" another player. Which he mistook for diplomacy in a FFA, game ... so I went around breaking all the rules, and bieng .. I quote " a stupid idiot and a bad troll ". It's a shame though, he posts a lot of games, which I play often. And I know, that if he gave me the oppourtunity to speak with me again, we'd put our problems behind us.
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 12:04:34

Luna {TJC}
Level 57
But alliances in ffa's are fair game
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 12:07:20

Level 58
Why do you feel the need to suck up to him? Screw him.
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 12:11:41

I never use this I am sorry
Level 41
Well, that's the thing. It wasn't an alliance.

I randomly said, "I'm peaceful guys don't attack me"

So, this random lv3 (ai in two turns) says back, "aha, me too" (or something)

I go, "hey? friends purple?"

"Surrender or BL!"

I surrendered, angrily. Got BL when I entered again.

Did everything he said, so I trolled my heart out.
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 12:13:09

I never use this I am sorry
Level 41
Can someone send my letter though? #acceptwombatsapology

Edited 3/14/2016 12:13:31
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 12:13:47

Level 59
I'll send it. But really, you shouldn't suck up to him lol, as I see he was kind of a dick to you too...
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 12:15:10

I never use this I am sorry
Level 41
Thanks Teamguns. I <3 you. *kisses cheek*
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 12:54:45

Okabe Rintarou ( AKA Hououin Kyouma)
Level 56
Alliances in FFA are okay , think of it as hunger games
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 13:14:56

Level 58
Alliances in FFA are for noobs. I attack everyone and promptly get killed before surrendering. The honourable way!
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 14:01:44

Level 58
Good man! *Brofist*
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/14/2016 14:23:03

Level 64
This guy is a troll and a liar - he has played two of these games and broken the rules both times. I always gently point out the rules first and then wait for the reaction. This guy is a pain in the ass and when people don't cooperate, I do get in their face admittedly. He had plenty of chances to make good but didn't. Now, he is publicly trying to make himself look good. I'm just not interested. And I agree with Nogals.
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/15/2016 06:51:09

Lord of Turnips
Level 60
Jordan hello again! Also, can I please see the game?
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/15/2016 08:00:33

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
BlackBart, you have broken the WarLighta Codex, and you will suffer the consequences.

I bring your case before the Shitposters' Council for assessment and to decide on the appropriate action.

A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/15/2016 08:51:00

Level 61
its a shame, FFAs would be a lot more popular if people didnt resort to cheating in them
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/15/2016 10:33:08

Level 64
A bit of a strange request ... but ...: 3/15/2016 14:50:56

Level 64
Double post double post
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