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Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/21/2018 08:56:15

Level 64

Warzone Creator

Every week we vote on 5 maps, and the map with the most votes becomes the map of the week for the following week.

Go here to vote: https://www.Warzone.com/MapOfTheWeek/View?Week=192

You can use this thread to discuss the current vote. Tell us why you voted the way you did!
Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/21/2018 10:08:06

The Furious Logan
Level 27
bane has 2 maps runing for map of the week players should only be able to have one per week fizzer.
Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/21/2018 14:57:36

Level 64
Lagoona has had 0 time-outs today. He should have at least 3 Fizzer
Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/21/2018 15:31:19

Cata Cauda
Level 59
WOw, I am glad Kate Upton got kicked out. Time to eliminate the rest of Bane's maps. I voted for Medium ROR.
Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/21/2018 19:08:26

Level 57
I am boycotting MOTW. Toxic community doesn't desire NOR appreciate a good map, or a great map maker! Bane, keep up the great work! You got robbed, I am sorry :(
Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/21/2018 20:21:41

Level 59
Yeah this has and always will be a popularity contest. That’s why I’m voting for Big Europe #429.
Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/21/2018 21:02:04

Dutch Desire 
Level 60
Voting Island of Ruins, it is a great map for 1v1 and should be used more. The original text at the left-upper corner is fitting and the final text on the map is mysterious. That the scale is in Miles is a bit disappointing, and the shortcuts through the mountains were not needed, but at least they make more sense than the horrible "shortcuts" on the outside in the Medium ROR.
Map of the week discussion: Week 192: 9/22/2018 01:34:45

Level 46
I have changed my raring from MROR to Island of Ruins
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