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Ligue France: History & new season: 1/4/2016 14:36:15

Level 62
Hi everyone. Happy New year to all of you !

I will be a short announcement in french following by an introduction in english to explain what is it to all community, followed by the historical ranking and the history and the links of the different seasons. This league not concern non-french speakers but maybe some of you could be interested by curiosity. As this league is not only open to FC players, I think the good place of this topic is not on our forum, as we used to do before.

La ligue France est un tournois ouvert à tous les français ET autres francophones, de n'importe quel clan que ce soit, et pas seulement la French Community.
Cette ligue est composée de plusieurs divisions de Round Robins dont le nombre et le format peut un peu changer au fil des saisons. Le vainqueur d'une saison choisit les settings de la saison suivante. Il n'y a pas d'engagement d'une saison sur l'autre, mais si vous en ratez une, vous redescendez tout en bas quand vous revenez. Des exceptions sont faites pour les vainqueurs d'une saison en D1 qui peuvent s'arrêter une saison et revenir en D1 la suivante.
N'hésitez pas à poster ici une demande de participation à la saison 25 qui va se lancer très très bientôt. C'est un bon moyen de se tester sur des settings toujours différents, et de rencontrer des francophones de niveaux variés.

This league was established in april 2012 by Niko (who managed the first 20th seasons), initially to test our level and practice on different settings inside a little group of french friends, long time before the creation of the French Community. The choice to limited to french speakers were mainly to have the possibility of a lot of easy and fluent discussions with all of us (easier in our mother tongue, and better to also include players who cannot speak english or don't want to make the effort for too long). Each season include different division levels of round robin (the first four season got only 1 division).
The winner of a season chooses the settings of the next one. Step by step, many french players or french speaker players join us. The most of the french good players who already participated get used to play in now, but it is not necessary to play all seasons (as Psy or Marc2013 who just play a few seasons). In fact, the number of divisions changes every season because of the non regularity in low divisions. A new season is launched every two or three months (there is less since FC participate to the Clan War). Since this league lead to a large number of competitive games, some of us and above all FC players do not participate at many other tournaments or a regular ladder unfortunately.

This is mainly (and for a long time almost exclusively) where Niko, Ze, Wazz and me train to play correctly to warlight alongside known good players like Grona or Psy, and it's maybe why we make some times to perform correctly in the very specific ladder settings.^^

We maintained the history of the different seasons and these winners.

Ranking by victories

Phaeril: 9
Wazz: 5
Grona: 4
Niko: 2
Lannes, Marc2013, De Gaule, Ze: 1


Season 1: (10players)
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Wazz

Season 2: (12players)
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Wazz

Season 3: (11players)
Winner: Wazz
Runner-up: Niko

Season 4: (15players)
Winner: Grona
Runner-up: Niko

Season 5: (19players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=2804
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=2805
Winner: Niko
Runner-up: Grona

Season 6: (19players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=3072
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=3074
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Grona

Season 7: (19players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=3353
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=3354
Winner: Wazz
Runner-up: Niko

Season 8: (17players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=3557
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=3558
Winner: Lannes
Runner-up: Voltaire

Season 9: (17players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=4095
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=4097
Winner: Wazz
Runner-up: Lannes

Season 10: (16players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=4363
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=4364
Winner: Wazz
Runner-up: Phaeril

Season 11: (16players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=4735
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=4736
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Grona

Season 12: (15players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=5152
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=5153
Winner: Grona
Runner-up: Phaeril

Season 13: (19players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=6422
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=6423
Winner: Marc2013
Runner-up: Buddha Junior

Season 14: (24players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=7307
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=7308
D3: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=7309
D4: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=7310
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Buddha Junior

Season 15: (24players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8007
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8008
D3: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8009
D4: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8010
Winner: Général Charles De Gaulle
Runner-up: Phaeril

Season 16: (24players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8917
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8918
D3: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8919
D4: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=8920
Winner: Grona
Runner-up: Phaeril

Season 17: (29players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=9756
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=9757
D3: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=9758
D4: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=9759
D5: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=9760
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Wazz

Season 18: (27players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=10462
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=10463
D3: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=10464
D4: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=10465
D5: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=10466
Winner: Ze
Runner-up: Général Charles De Gaule

Season 19: (27players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=11137
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=11138
D3: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=11157
D4: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=11140
Winner: Niko
Runner-up: Wazz

Season 20: (21players)
D1: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=11840
D2: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=11841
D3: http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=11842
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Niko

Season 21: (17players)
D1: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=12900
D2: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=12901
D3: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=12902
Winner: Wazz
Runner-up: Général Charles De Gaule

Season 22: (18players)
D1: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=13552
D2: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=13553
D3: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?TournamentID=13554
Winner : Grona
Runner-up: Général Charles De Gaule

Season 23: (23players)
D1 : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=14027
D2 : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=14028
D3 : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=14030
Winner: Phaeril
Runner-up: Buddha Junior, Niko, Grona

Season 24: (19players)
D1 : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=15330
D2 : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=15331
D3 : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=15332
Winner : Phaeril
Runner-up : Niko

Season 25: (52players)
GA : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17060
GB : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17061
GC : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17062
GD : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17064
GE : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17065
GF : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17066
GG : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17068
GH : https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17069
Div 1: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17795
Div 2: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17796
Div 3: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17805
Div 4: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17806
Div 5: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17824
Div 6: https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=17825

Edited 3/15/2016 16:02:23
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/4/2016 14:48:38

Level 58
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/4/2016 18:18:36

Level 59
Tu aurais pu dire que la seule manière que je descende de la division 1 c'est d’arrêter de jouer.
Bande de looser!

Je remonte en D1 et je vous défonce!
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/4/2016 19:46:14

Level 59
Belle history notre ligue tout de même ;)
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/4/2016 22:32:49

Level 62
Déjà presque 4 ans en fait ! :O
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/4/2016 23:49:41

Master Turtle 
Level 62
Very neat idea ;)
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/6/2016 22:56:44

Level 59
Bon, contraint de venir poster sur un forum où des gens que je ne connais pas se parlent :S pour pouvoir enregistrer mon inscription pour cet prochaine ligue.

Voilà qui est fait, plus qu'a vous souhaitez bonne chance et je retourne dans mon anonymat.

A bientôt...
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/6/2016 23:00:06

Level 60
Je garde les yeux ouverts sur cette ligue. Je serais intéressé d'y participer.

Bon baisers du Québec!
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/6/2016 23:45:36

Olivix le baulois
Level 63
comment s'inscrire?
je suppose que je commence en bas,
mais quel rythme?
quel horaire?

Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 00:05:54

Level 62
Oui c'est aussi le principe d'un forum kelhian.^^ On lance un sujet précis et les gens postent dessus si ça les intéresse. D'ailleurs ça permet au sujet de rester visible car actif, et sinon il tombe aux oubliettes.

De plus, c'est plus pratique pour moi, car ma boite de messagerie est beaucoup moins claire à checker (car beaucoup moins spécifique) que les différents noms qui se suivent sur ce sujet, qui je le rappelle se rapporte justement à cette ligue.

Il est difficile parfois de s'imaginer comment il peut être fastidieux d'organiser des événements, et comment cela peut être usant sur la longueur. Pas toujours facile non plus parfois de se faire une idée de ce qui peut vraiment faciliter la tâche des organisateurs. De petites choses très simples, multipliées par le nombre de joueurs, peuvent faire beaucoup. Ne râle pas déjà, ce n'est pas une contraintes. ;)

Bref, il n'y a pas de meilleur endroit pour s'inscrire qu'ici (ou y poser des questions s'y rapportant, car d'autres peuvent aussi y répondre à ma place) : et ça me sert de mémo.

Bienvenue à vous trois.

Rythme : multiday (round robin)
Horaire : aucun du coup (3 jours autoboot, mode vacance accepté)
Début : d'ici la fin du mois au plus tard

Edited 1/7/2016 00:12:10
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 00:08:55

Cata Cauda
Level 59
I saw that day coming when people post threads in other languages than English.

THERE IS A REASON WHY THIS GAME IS IN ENGLISH! So everyone can communicate and share their ideas with anyone, no matter what nationality you have or what language you speak.
But if you REALLY want to exclude people from your conversation only because they dont speak your language or are not in your country (Thats rasicm mate), then PLEASE do that on your own forum.
Please, thanks.
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 00:34:52

Level 62
Really... saddening.

Could someone smart - who read my english lines (do you read it ?) - explicate to Cata Cauda why this is like that ? And why it is posted here ?

Racism... a powerfull word who lost its signification typically because of this kind of (non) arguments. I'm glad to see also this from a non french people. Bullshit is everywhere in the world.

Just read and try to understand other guys in front of you before talking and insulting them (it's a kind of a such huge insult by the way).

I play everyday with non french people, using english, talking with them, communicate with them, maybe more than you.

You cannot participate to german championship of natation. You cannot join the spanish clan (unless maybe if you speak spanish, I don't know). Too much racism in the world...
Just let other people who do nothing wrong to you do what they want. Just think, and if you cannot understand us, just shut up. We are not walking into your liberty, don't walk into ours.

PS: I should not have to explain myself. I will not do more.

Edited 1/7/2016 10:46:56
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 01:15:36

Hai Guise Wahts Uhp?
Level 35
frankly, I think we're lucky he translated the original post for us. Is there any rule that says forum posts must only be in English? I haven't seen one. Also, as a person who has taken exactly three weeks of a French introductory class (8 years ago, I pretty much only remember the word for fish, and that's only because I was nervous that the French were trying to poison me when I saw it on a fake menu), I can vaguely understand many posts just because there are so many words similar to English.

Like seriously, Je serais intéressé d'y participer. Je and serais may be confusing to you, but wow, intéressé d'y participer looks a whole lot like "interested participate" so maybe, he is saying that he's interested in participating. BOOM! CONTEXT AND THINKING!!!1!!!11!!

Or if you are too lazy to even try, put it in google translate, you will get at least an idea of what they are trying to say...
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 01:23:17

Angry Koala
Level 57
Je veux vous y rejoindre!!!!

And dont pay attention to this angry cat, Cata is a grumpy old cat!
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 02:41:36

Cata Cauda
Level 59

"where everyone feels welcome"

Speaking in a language, only French people understand, excludes other people, so they wont feel welcome.
If you want to speak to French people only, why do you not use your clan forum instead?
I would greatly appreciate that.
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 03:46:04

Level 60
"If you want to speak to French people only, why do you not use your clan forum instead?"

Because this tournament targets all francophones and not just people living in France. Heck, not all French people are in the French Community clan.

Being from Québec, I'm very glad this tournament was advertised here. Cata, could you please bring your francophobia elsewhere?

Edited 1/7/2016 03:47:00
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 03:50:05

master of desaster 
Level 66
cata he even explained on the first post what it is about. what do you think how many off Topic threads are annoying for many Players? this is absolutely ok and if you're really interested it takes like 15 seconds to copy this in Google translator. even if it's in a different language, this belongs more to the game and is more interesting than 90% of the off Topic threads.
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 04:55:33

Cata Cauda
Level 59
*sigh* Okay I give up. Sorry for derailing it.
Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 08:15:43

Olivix le baulois
Level 63

ceal m'intéresse de pouvoir participer,
merci de penser à m'inviter sur un prochain tournoi,
de nouveaux challenge en perspective!

Ligue France: History & new season: 1/7/2016 09:17:53

Level 59
C'est cool de découvrir d'autres joueurs ! Ca va mettre un peu de sang neuf.
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