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Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/9/2017 06:57:30

Castle Bravo
Level 56
Democracy has been fallible to intelligent minds for over 200 years. It is no longer an effective ideal for any truly gifted individual or insightful tradition. In every instance it has developed into tyranny in the majority and finally, oligarchy and the rule of money.

Democracy has been articulated by the state to bring mass-surveillance, "hate speech" laws, and state-worship. Party politics has removed any element of honor, heroism, or class from the political process. Policy is a confusing mess of coalitions, interest groups, and opaque money. Its leaders operate through lies to the public at large; for true insight, true intelligence belongs to a small minority that is outmaneuvered by demagoguery at every turn. Democracy has failed to protect liberty by carelessly violating the livelihoods of any group that finds itself an obstacle to the majority.

Democracy is an enemy of culture. Culture is articulated by a small minority; no more than a marginal fraction of the population can be great statesmen acting in the spirit of culture. The majority can be propagandized and offered material benefit by democratic leaders at the expense of their culture's political strength. Once again the few with true insight, the genius and tradition cannot stop the will of an ignorant public practicing democracy.

American Democracy in the form of Republicanism which was designed to negate the state's potential to attack personal rights evolved into factionalism and then utter plutocracy; parties were embattled to steer the entire nation towards one ideal or another, and then they were consolidated to represent the same generic ideals that would bring the machine the greatest material benefit, leading to a victory no matter who won the election. The ignorant mass's simple obsession with charismatic leaders creates representatives who enforce their mundane insecurities and selfish interests with despotic force.

Thus democracy has enticed the people but denied the nation.
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/9/2017 07:29:17

Level 56
Felinia. Is. Not. Real!
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/9/2017 12:14:53

Leibstandarte (Vengeance)
Level 45
Constitutional Monarchy or National Socialist ruled state is way better than any Democracy.
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/9/2017 13:19:53

Castle Bravo
Level 56
^ Absolute Monarchy is the best state-form, I will elaborate on this in a future post.
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/12/2017 13:53:27

Level 56
Hereditary monarchy is fine. Regents do exist, you know, as do advisors and delegation. The heir will be taught from birth in statecraft, offsetting the fact he may not be incredibly smart or talented. Most importantly, hereditary rule ensures the monarch is seen as the Father of the nation.

BTW democracy can work in small-scale, white, homogenous Protestant nations (Iceland, Switzerland) but always fails in Catholic/Orthodox or "diverse" cultures. Latin America is diverse and Catholic, democracy there is a disaster. Catholic Spain, Portugal, and Italy have been destroyed by democracy. Orthodox Eastern Europe is also doing poorly. Democracy is also entirely foreign to non-whites.

Success in Protestant nations is because it inevitably leads to socialism; the two are inseperable. And socialism works in small, tight-knit, all-white, Protestant societies. It has never worked outside of these. Catholicism needs monarchy because of the patriarchal and hierachal nature of the Church, which does not encourage individuality as much as duty.

Atheists are irrelevant and should not exist.

All my arguments are found in Liberty or Equality and I suggest that if you want to learn more about these ideas, whether you agree or not, you buy a copy.

Edited 1/12/2017 14:51:24
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/12/2017 16:25:17

Level 56
"Absolute Monarchy is the best state-form, I will elaborate on this in a future post."

One word, Hapsburgs.

EDIT: I can't wait to see someone defend/justify the Hapsburgs. It will be glorious.

Edited 1/12/2017 16:27:09
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/12/2017 17:25:19

Level 57

All you Nazis and sheep want to be slaves! If you give too much power to the government, that government will use its power to award itself more authority. Then you have a snowball effect in which government evolves into an Orwellian dystopia like North Korea, the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and more!

Edited 1/12/2017 17:25:45
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/12/2017 17:30:47

Level 57
How can you want someone to control your entire life and do whatever they want to you, including torture and oppression? Don't you want the liberty to make your own decisions? Don't you want to be able to pursue happiness? Or do you need a violent baby-sitter state to watch you at all times and regulate your activities and thoughts?
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/13/2017 02:16:12

Remove Kebab
Level 58
Regulation is necessary to prevent degeneracy and bad cultural ideals. And it keeps the state first and provides a good life for its people through self sufficiency. Totalitarianism is good.
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/13/2017 02:48:26

Level 56
I can't wait to see someone defend/justify the Hapsburgs. It will be glorious.

What was bad about them?
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/13/2017 03:36:02

Level 57
Having no privacy, liberty, constantly fearing for your life, and being conscripted for the state's never-ending war ambitions is a "good life for its people". How much are the Reptillians paying you, Kebab?

Edited 1/13/2017 03:36:31
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/13/2017 03:55:10

Marigold Sunshine 
Level 59
fascism is a blissful political system. everyone needs to try it at least once. it's fun, i promise.
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/13/2017 04:28:36

Castle Bravo
Level 56
EDIT: I can't wait to see someone defend/justify the Hapsburgs. It will be glorious.

How about the USSR and The PRC? These states are/were democratic in nature. Even the Third Reich was democratic in nature. Uniformity and tyranny in the masses.

There is no perfect state form you filthy rationalist; you can find poor examples of almost anything, certainly political ideals throughout history. The greatest state-form is the one that serves the cultural Idea.

Edited 1/13/2017 04:28:55
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/13/2017 04:33:17

Level 56
How about the USSR and The PRC? These states are/were democratic in nature. Even the Third Reich was democratic in nature.

don't forget to tell him about how the Soviet Union was an ۞۞۞۞۞Asiatic۞۞۞۞۞ state that deployed ☭☭☭☭☭communism☭☭☭☭☭ to fight against the ✡✡✡✡✡West✡✡✡✡✡
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/13/2017 04:40:58

Level 56
tabby, you uphold Israel and think Hebrews are the next superhumans, so all your shitposts are discarded automatically by an userscript made by MoTD for the far-right.

Edited 1/13/2017 04:41:22
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/20/2017 02:35:39

Level 56
Monarchs are much less concerned about power because their role is guaranteed, democrats must struggle every election or appointment season to maintain their position.
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/20/2017 02:36:54

Level 60
good genetics

Isn't that the definition of racism?
Democracy has been dead for over 200 years: 1/20/2017 06:08:29

Castle Bravo
Level 56
No that's eugenics. Racism is the affirmation of RACE, distinct zoological groups of humans. Race is determined genetically but eugenics is not limited to racism and vice versa.
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