China 208AD Battle of Red Cliffs

Created by FakeAndRandomKing (all)
State: Development
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Number of attempts: 0
Number of wins: 0
Number of likes: 0
Record holder: None


Cao Cao started the invasion of Jingzhou which is guarded by Governor of Jingzhou Liu Biao and Liu Bei which Liu Biao died in August 208AD which Liu Zong who was Liu Biao's successor surrendered to Cao Cao which lead Liu Bei to flee from Xin Ye to Jiang Xia to allied with Sun Quan
Can the Sun-Liu alliance beat Cao Cao at the Battle of Red Cliffs on ashore
Players who attempt to win has to play as Sun Quan so here's the goals
1.Take the territory that Cao Cao has 830,000 troops
2.Allied yourself with Liu Bei by using Diplomacy Cards every time your alliance with Liu Bei expired
3.Once you conquered Cao Cao,you can stop using Diplomacy Cards on Liu Bei
4.Use Diplomacy Cards on the warlords who wants to attack you while you are attacking Cao Cao
5.You cannot take the territories that are outside of China but AIs can because they can do anything that they wanted
Starting Date:October 208AD
1 turn is 1 month
12 turns is 1 year