Feline Wars 3: Miezekatze Hunters rules!

Created by (((Tabby Juggernaut))) (all)
This level has been replaced with a newer version
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/9/2016
Number of attempts: 0
Number of wins: 0
Number of likes: 0
Record holder: None


Felinists are in a war against Caninism! It is time for us to defeat Caninism forever!

Master Farah, a good and respected player, unfortunately does not like cats. It is time for us to persuade him/her to rethink his/her stance on cats.:-) CORP is also a center of cat-hating activities so we should free them from cat-hating as well!

Cats rule!

All cats rule and all dogs drool! Meow!

Remember that Caninists have 15 armies in each of their territories at the beginning of the game!