Feline Wars 4: Miezekatze Hunters rules!

Created by (((Tabby Juggernaut))) (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/9/2016
Number of attempts: 233
Number of wins: 54
Number of likes: 5
Record holder: Xenophon in 9 turns on 6/2/2020


Felinists are in a war against Caninism! It is time for us to defeat Caninism forever!

Master Farah, a good and respected player, unfortunately does not like cats. It is time for us to persuade him/her to rethink his/her stance on cats.:-) CORP is also a center of cat-hating activities so we should free them from cat-hating as well!

Cats rule!

All cats rule and all dogs drool! Meow!

Remember that Caninists have more armies than you at the beginning! Their expansion in the North is swift!