The Feline State 12: End of the AU 1

Created by (((Tabby Juggernaut))) (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/5/2017
Number of attempts: 69
Number of wins: 17
Number of likes: 3
Record holder: teelabrown in 44 turns on 1/26/2017


The Navy and Air Force of AU have been almost completely annihilated by the Felinian Air Force. AU is now in complete chaos. When our Air Force devastated the AU we also sent special forces to arrest important officials of the AU and AU members. Many AU members are missing their Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers of Defense and governors of important states/provinces. We have cut the internet connections between Ethiopia and the rest of the world so that the fact that AU has been compromised is unknown outside Ethiopia.

We are conducting two operations during and after Operation Airborne Cat, Operation Feline Siege and Operation Kitty Web. In Operation Feline Siege PFF will march on Mozambique. In Operation Kitty Web PFF will march on Chad, Central African Republic and Cameroon and then force the main AU Forces to surrender after besieging them. We will also clean up the islands near Cameroon later.