The Feline State II 4: Felington District

Created by (((Tabby Juggernaut))) (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/14/2017
Number of attempts: 103
Number of wins: 10
Number of likes: 1
Record holder: Robert Lindsay in 1 turns on 1/14/2017


We have opened several new resorts in PaP Dis.! Gonâve Island and Tortuga Island have been refurbished. We are attracting a lot of rich American and Canadian expats! The Netherlands, India and Brazil are investing in Paramaribo Dis.! Crime in CA has reduced by 70% 2 years after Felinian rule! Everybody loves CA now!

The first mega housing complex has opened in Kano, Felington Dis. More to come! We are building another dam on Congo River so that we can use clean energy to supply CH, PR and BI! We are building an expressway from Tigreville (formerly Bandundu) through Mbuji-Mayi and Lionville (formerly Lubumbashi) to Lusaka. Another expressway will go from Tigreville through Miaouville to Billi. We are planning to connect Tigreville and Bangui as well.

Right now Felington Police is cleaning up our home district first! Then we will move on to the rest of the province!

There are some bad news though. In Juba Dis., DM and Miaouville Dis, BI tribes are fighting against each other. We will stop the fight soon!