Validate invite token API

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Revision as of 14:20, 17 September 2012 by Fizzer (Talk | contribs)

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If you're creating a system that invites players to WarLight games via the Create game API, you may wish to validate whether or not an invite token or e-mail address is valid before you attempt to invite them to a game.

Of course, if you invite a player to a game with their token, the Create game API will inform you that it's invalid. But you may wish to determine whether or not it's valid before attempting to create a game, such as when a new player signs up on your site.

You can do this by calling the following API:

To call this programmatically, you can POST your e-mail address and API token to this page in the format

You can get your API token from the Get API Token API.

See Also

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