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Election day: 3/15/2016 21:57:49

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Rubio won't be nominated.

And you think Kasich will?

The only person who stands a chance of beating Trump 1v1 is Cruz and everyone knows it. The establishment is just too scared that Cruz will end the corruption of the Republican Party, which has essentially been a puppet of mega donors like Adelson, Koch Bros, and Wall Street for the last 2 decades.

I think that's changing too as people start to know Clinton's real record with minorities.

I don't understand why Blacks love the Clintons. I can't name a single thing either Mr. or Mrs. Clinton have done to help African Americans. In fact, it was Mr. Clinton who signed the mandatory minimum sentencing laws into effect that caused mass incarceration.
Election day: 3/15/2016 22:13:47

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
AngryKoala; KOALAS UNITE!!!!

..but I hate koalas.
Election day: 3/15/2016 22:18:37

Angry Koala
Level 57
^ get out. We are already too strong!
Election day: 3/15/2016 22:19:16

Level 59
Hmmm, I think kasich has greater chances then rubio for now, but I guess you're right, it's Cruz-Trump now with Trump probably winning.
Election day: 3/15/2016 22:20:14

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
I'm pretty sure the illuminati is behind this. The manipulators..
Election day: 3/15/2016 22:28:06

Angry Koala
Level 57
We are Legion.

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Election day: 3/15/2016 22:29:23

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
Level 59
Trump's got NC, Florida, Missouri. Trump's probably going to win Illinois, but it could swing Cruz. Now, the real question is Ohio. The last polling showed Trump barely winning in Ohio, and given recent events such as the endorsement of Ben Carson and Trump's rally that helped Trump - we could see something big in Ohio. If Trump wipes every state, you can't hold him back. He'll have it, no doubt.

And you think Kasich will?

The only person who stands a chance of beating Trump 1v1 is Cruz and everyone knows it. The establishment is just too scared that Cruz will end the corruption of the Republican Party, which has essentially been a puppet of mega donors like Adelson, Koch Bros, and Wall Street for the last 2 decades.

Weird, I don't see any super PACs spending tens of millions of dollars attacking Cruz. I believe it's Trump that's getting attacked, in that regard. Cruz has raised almost $100m from super PACs, they're expecting something from him and it's not to end corruption. On the other hand, Trump knows how to end corruption since he's a rich businessman who knows exactly how to buy politicians. He's done it before, and nobody can control him.

I don't understand why blacks love the Clintons

While I seriously hate Hillary, I've heard from my friends why they love the Clintons. Essentially Bill/Hillary stood by the black community at it's worst, he went to events and you know Bill was a very lovable president and would go to poor communities among other things. You know, when the drug war was at strong and blacks were getting arrested over marijuana - that's when Bill stepped in, not only calling out the hypocrisy of the system but pardoning hundreds of non-violent people. He was simply that guy who never felt awkward around black people, who went out of his way in several cases without real benefit and still does to this day. Now, we could argue about Hillary but I think it's fair to say Bill is an amazing president who was able to do many things without making it look like sheer pandering. It just happened naturally.

Or as my friend likes to call him "The First Black President"
Election day: 3/15/2016 22:57:31

Level 59
"Trump will fight corruption"

Election day: 3/16/2016 00:23:01

Filthy Weeaboo Scum
Level 59
And why won't he? You think a rich person who knows the system can't stop corruption?
Election day: 3/16/2016 00:27:26

Level 56
He probably can't, but furthermore, won't. I mean, Obama had one job: to shut down Guantánamo...and he's tried for 8 years. See how far he got with a more insignificant task that won't really affect the big drawing. Now try that with corruption.
Election day: 3/16/2016 00:29:33

Level 59
I think that:

1) Trump's knowlage of the system is highly overated, it's not because he says he know something, that he does. I made a list of trump's business failures in another post, the list is long, and he got saved by the state when he went broke in the 90s.

2) You can know the system, wanting it to change is another thing. You believe too foolish in a man that flip-floped in almost every issue in 20 years.

3) You may want to change the system, being able to do something is another thing as well. The president's chair is overated too, Obama wanted to change much more but he wasn't able to because of the congress. And this congress that didn't supported Obama, sure as hell won't support Trump.
Election day: 3/16/2016 00:34:23

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56

There's essentially no difference between Obama's message of Hope and Change and Trump's except that one of them sounds illiterate and one of them has a soul.
Election day: 3/16/2016 00:51:35

Level 56
well it appears that the race is over, its gonna be Clinton vs Trump, and what's scary is that Trump may very well win the GE, since polls have shown that Bernie supporters would rather stay home than vote hillary...the world is doomed, i'm moving to Mars
Election day: 3/16/2016 00:53:25

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41
I don't like either one of them. They're not the presidents we need, nor deserve.

Trump is probably the lesser of the two evils, because I doubt his crazy stuff will get through Congress. Plus Hillary is becoming more and more unlikable by the day.
Election day: 3/16/2016 01:03:12

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
^I say Bernie supporters head to Canada and Cruz supporters head to Russia, and we all let the USA crumble.
Election day: 3/16/2016 01:08:38

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
So two candidates supported by the Klan? How about we abandon the idea of voting for evil and actually vote in what we believe , you know , how it's supposed to work?
Election day: 3/16/2016 01:24:25

Level 59
The establishment is just too scared that Cruz will end the corruption of the Republican Party

Nope. Cruz has his own donors and special interests that he just "forgets" to mention when railing against the Washington cartel. The only one self-funding is Donald Trump. The other one not taking money from donors and special interests would be Ben Carson, not Ted Cruz.
Election day: 3/16/2016 01:26:25

Level 55
The best thing the GOP can hope for is an open convention. If the nomination is decided at the election then Trump doesn't get picked. If he wins the delegate count before that point then the Republicans have no choice. I really don't understand how people could possibly choose Trump over Hillary. While Hillary is no good news she's at least a tempered person, while Trump doesn't have the mind fit to be president. Trump sure as hell knows how to end corruption, but the question is could/would he stop it?
Note: I just heard from CBS that Trump wins big everywhere but Ohio, Kasich wins in the Buckeye State! Hillary takes both Florida and Ohio. Of the four remaining Republicans, I prefer Kasich. Of the Dems, I prefer Bernie. Ted and Trump are crazy, and Rubio is only okay. Masochistic isn't all that bad. Meanwhile Clinton is simply not trustworthy, simply put. Bernie, though naive, seems to be the best of the Dems. Of everyone, Kasich is best. But sadly that just won't happen.
Election day: 3/16/2016 01:26:26

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Yeah that's why Cruz ran on ending ethanol subsidies in frickin Iowa where that's political suicide. Oh please. Trump is the epitome of the donor class. He's not going to end the cycle of political favors for political donations.

By the way...according to Politico, Cruz is only 1.5% down in Missouri with only 5.5% in and is only 3.8% down in N. Carolina with 33% in.

Edited 3/16/2016 01:28:18
Election day: 3/16/2016 01:30:58

Level 56
Cruz is even worse than Trump, he just doesn't say controversial things so much.
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