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Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 02:47:37

Level 56
Medicare and Medicaid are illegal. Get the government out of taking care of the sick and near-death. I don't trust the government not to push for euthanasia and "assisted" suicide. Privatize most of it. Get rid of the artificial state lines that prevent competition and don't force healthy young people to buy health insurance to subsidize the elderly.

Life-threatening healthcare wouldn't have these problems you're talking about. And you haven't answered my frain.

For example your write that "* Syrian refugees: America should accept as many as it can take - no limits, like in Germany. The goal of a government is to help folk. Stop."

But before it sounds like you are against a gov. helping its own citizens?

"* Welfare? Rid it. Too many poor folk who just leech other folks' tax money and use it to buy drugs (since they're addicted). Now, if a person collapses out of hunger, then they can be taken to the clin."
^even assuming you are right about the drug use thing, you write too many poor, implying that you recognize that welfare is helping some folks.

I know it is somewhat picky, considering the wall of text, but the wording is extremely important.

Yes, I'm for a government helping folk, not for wealth equalisation. I am for the government giving opportunities, not tax money.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 02:55:15

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Life-threatening healthcare wouldn't have these problems you're talking about.

Yes it would. If patients go into a vegetative state the government may demand they be taken off life-support after a certain time period to save money.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 03:03:48

Level 60
"Yes, I'm for a government helping folk, not for wealth equalisation. I am for the government giving opportunities, not tax money."

This reads as a contradiction to me.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 03:11:47

Level 56
Yes it would. If patients go into a vegetative state the government may demand they be taken off life-support after a certain time period to save money.

Well, frankly, my faith (atheism) says that's ok with me. Furthermore, they of course have the choice of switching to private care in my system, so shouldn't be a problem for you, either.

"Yes, I'm for a government helping folk, not for wealth equalisation. I am for the government giving opportunities, not tax money."

You're probably left. I'm for giving folk emergency healthcare, but otherwise, the government should usually stay out of the market, and let capitalism do its good thing. I'm for letting folk grow and excel, which can not be done if you're taxing everyone to give a few things to only a small population; and if you tax the rich super-hard, their businesses will fail or they will move away. I am for letting someone live in a country with great living settings such as America, but I am not for taking everyone's money to give a few folk something for doing nothing.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 04:35:42

chuck norris
Level 59
i agree with you on most things except:
death penalty:what was thought was indeniable evidence 20 yearsw ago is now turning out ot be not so good, i think it will be the same and you can never be absolutely sure that the person your killing actually comitted the crime, if you go to jail under false conviction you can be released and given money by the government as reparations but with the death penalty you cant do that.
Progressive tax: i think the rich should be taxed a higher percentage, billionaires have more money than they could ever possibly use so why not tax them higher, they arent going to miss the money and the government does need it while the poor are going to miss every cent you take off of them and it doesnt do much for the government
Abolish welfare: welfare is good, without welfare there is an extreme gap between the rich and the poor (even bigger than now) and that doesnt turn out well, just look at russia in 1917 huge revolutions cause most of the population was starving to death while a select few had gold plated mansions
Minimum wage: without the minimum wage the workers will be exploited,companies will just charge 2 cents an hour like they do in china ( im exxagerating a little but its still not good)
guns: guns lead to shootings and inoccent dead people, its better for the country if their illegalised unless your a farmer with a license and only let weapons that can effectively be used in a farm, you dont need a flamethrower or a machinegun in a farm
Drugs: i kinda agree with you, but i think the very dangerous ones should be illegalised like krokodil for instance and for the less dangerous ones (like cocaine) the government should have ads advising not to use them just like with alcohol and tobacco and rehabilitation centers for drug users
Photo ID: for the reason you said before, it eliminates poor people from voting, everybody should be able to vote
Solitary confinement: this is a form of torture, it drives people crazy, under no circumstances should a prisoner be tortured like that

Edit:I only read the TL;DR version so there might be others

Edited 3/19/2016 04:43:24
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 04:56:42

Level 56
death penalty:what was thought was indeniable evidence 20 yearsw ago is now turning out ot be not so good, i think it will be the same and you can never be absolutely sure that the person your killing actually comitted the crime, if you go to jail under false conviction you can be released and given money by the government as reparations but with the death penalty you cant do that.

They were and are much too happy to give out death sentences, I am saying it should be stricter than it is now. I understand the concerns, and am for lowering the amount killed under death penalty.

i think the rich should be taxed a higher percentage, billionaires have more money than they could ever possibly use so why not tax them higher, they arent going to miss the money and the government does need it while the poor are going to miss every cent you take off of them and it doesnt do much for the government

A standard rate is taxing the rich higher, let's not be unfair, though. And most rich folk run businesses, and help the economy - but taxing them disproptionately higher means they get to spend less on businesses, and get to hire less, which really hurts the poor. Rich folk drive the economy as they are the economy. +superprogressive tax is less motivation to earn money, while under a good income disparity like there is now in America, the amount you get for what you work for grows exponentially; it's basically addicting you to excel, since each time you're getting more and more gain from it then you did for the same work growth (and that's rare, that things addict you to excel).

Abolish welfare: welfare is good, without welfare there is an extreme gap between the rich and the poor (even bigger than now)

What is so bad about income disparity?

and that doesnt turn out well, just look at russia in 1917 huge revolutions cause most of the population was starving to death while a select few had gold plated mansions

The 1917 revolution was started by communists, yes. But revolution further back, and assassination tries at kings was done not of just communism, but of the philosophy of regicide; that everything would be better once the king was dead. Folk Will (Narodnaya Volya) was based on just killing the king and founding a republic, not getting communism. Organised work unions had co-ordinated railroad strikes, and mistransportation and logistic mistakes to pile on that meant that some folk in Petrograd went hungry. And so the February Revolution began, and a week later, established the Petrograd Workers' Council and Russian Republic, and they had a power struggle.

The October Revolution began when the communists got confident enough to overthrow the weak Russian Republic. They stormed the Winter Palace and many folk had enough of the Soviets and the things they made worse (especially hurting the war effort - soldiers could basically choose not to obey orders and report their officer to their Soviet - punishment was none).

without the minimum wage the workers will be exploited,companies will just charge 2 cents an hour like they do in china ( im exxagerating a little but its still not good)

A worker can not possibly be exploited. If you don't want to work for 0.02 $ hour rates, then don't accept the job. Don't ruin it for folk that do. With minimum wage comes of course more jobs, too - they have more money (+money saved from not being pressed under superprogressive tax) to hire folk, and to make more money for themselves, and from more money they have, they hire more, and so on. It's a good cycle.

guns lead to shootings and inoccent dead people, its better for the country if their illegalised unless your a farmer with a license and only let weapons that can effectively be used in a farm, you dont need a flamethrower or a machinegun in a farm

The same problems from illegalising drugs are there for illegalising guns. I say legalise and tax both, and get rid of the problems. Ideally, what you say is best, but then folk will be left defenceless against those who get it from the black market.

i kinda agree with you, but i think the very dangerous ones should be illegalised like krokodil for instance and for the less dangerous ones (like cocaine) the government should have ads advising not to use them and rehabilitation centers for drug users

I am for legalising all them, but definitely for opening federal reknacking sites, though (and advertisments advising not to use them - maybe experimentally do it, and see if it's worth it, and if not, don't, and if yes, do.

for the reason you said before, it eliminates poor people from voting, everybody should be able to vote

But it doesn't "eliminate them", it's just a hassle for them. It's still very possible for them to vote. And furthermore, I'm not so much for democracy, and this is some grounds why: they probably won't have advised opinions, they'll vote on charisma and misconceptions over actual policies and issues. And to rid voter fraud, I'll take it (and to rid poor voters, the Republicans will take it).

this is a form of torture, it drives people crazy, under no circumstances should a prisoner be tortured like that

Hmm, maybe you're right.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 06:00:40

chuck norris
Level 59
and advertisments advising not to use them - maybe experimentally do it, and see if it's worth it, and if not, don't, and if yes, do.
do what they do here in australia on tobacco, here they pout pictures of cancerous and diseased lungs or people with a hole in their throat on every cigarette packet and thats discouraged a lot of smokers
The same problems from illegalising drugs are there for illegalising guns. I say legalise and tax both, and get rid of the problems. Ideally, what you say is best, but then folk will be left defenceless against those who get it from the black market.
not really theres plenty of countrys where guns are illegal and there are none of the same problems that are happening with drugs in the US, its not the illegalization that causes the problem its the war on them, making them illegal just keeps it out of the hands of most people, the war on drugs is what has made it so violent. A civilian with a gun is more likely to get shot and killed by a trained criminal than the other way around and the civilian with a gun is more likely to get shot than the civilian without a gun as the civilian with a gun is seen as more of a threat so having a gun does more bad than good

Edited 3/19/2016 06:02:36
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 06:26:01

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Having a gun does help you when you have to organize a militia against rioters (1993 Koreatown) , you have to protect your neighborhood from police (Black panthers monitoring police in black neighborhoods), or fight the government (Waco).

The government has infringed on the rights of humans too far already in the name of progress.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 07:10:10

chuck norris
Level 59
In some cases it helps but overall it does more harm than good
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 07:22:50

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Overall trying to ban guns would not work, end in more bad than good and give the government more power over its populace when it clearly has quite enough,
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 08:01:02

chuck norris
Level 59
it would work, it has worked in dozens of countries across the globe, and i disagree with the government has too much power
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 15:28:00

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
i disagree with the government has too much power

LOL. NSA. I rest my case.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 16:37:04

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
They kill thousands of people with no repercussions abroad, they violate people's human rights on a daily basis, they spy on the entire EU, Canada and the US and it's probable they spy on more countries, they allow police to murder people on a whim, and they give the police military equipment.

The government is way too strong, if anything, people should be discussing ways to limit gun control rather than expand it.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 19:46:23

Level 56
do what they do here in australia on tobacco, here they pout pictures of cancerous and diseased lungs or people with a hole in their throat on every cigarette packet and thats discouraged a lot of smokers

Yeah, something like that could work.

not really theres plenty of countrys where guns are illegal

not really theres plenty of countrys where guns are illegal and there are none of the same problems that are happening with drugs in the US

making them illegal just keeps it out of the hands of most people, the war on drugs is what has made it so violent.

No, there's (violent) guns trafficking and there's (violent) drugs trafficking. And what works for an island country like Australia that has a sea patrol about Indonesia and invades Guinea whenever it wants won't necessarily work for real coutries on the mainland.

A civilian with a gun is more likely to get shot and killed by a trained criminal than the other way around and the civilian with a gun is more likely to get shot than the civilian without a gun as the civilian with a gun is seen as more of a threat so having a gun does more bad than good

I am for freedom. And if you want to get a gun, then so be it, get a gun. That's not my business, shouldn't be government business. Same with drugs.

You know, I sometimes don't understand socialists, and conserves, and their twofold standards. Conserves say legalise guns, but no way drugs. Socialists say legalise drugs, but no way guns. But the same problems come from illegalisation of either thing. In France, about 70% all guns owned by civilians are illegally gotten - you think this encourages folk to follow the law, and the hassle of getting a gun legally?
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 22:31:33

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
We already have warnings on cig packs.
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 22:34:00

Angry Koala
Level 57
Do we care?
Better American Remaking: 3/19/2016 22:37:35

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Apparently if X and Cata are discussing it.
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