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Who the fuck are you people??: 6/17/2011 02:42:51

Level 2
Who the fuck are you people??: 6/17/2011 03:16:54

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
yes you are
Who the fuck are you people??: 6/18/2011 16:53:27

Level 5
So what, [WM] x, did you meet him?
Who the fuck are you people??: 6/18/2011 21:19:56

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/4/2011 04:36:00

Level 38
Returning to Jack's original post for a moment: I've been around WL for a bit, and I'll wager that many 'old-timers' (if I may include myself in that crowd) shy away from the open games forum. Among my own reasons why is a preference primarily to play other 'old-timers.' I am also reluctant to join matches created by players I don't know, because too many players attempt to rig the settings unfairly (e.g., making an obscure bonus worth 100 players). Of course this can be seen in the settings before joining, but I grew tired of having to watch out for such matches.
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/4/2011 04:47:43

Level 49
I consider anyone considerably older then me an old-timer.. so I personally don't qualify, lol
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/4/2011 04:57:36

Level 58
I don't know. I love the real-time games but I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the noobs joining my games and the games I join. Some of them either won't listen at all or just disappear mid game. Every now and then I end up playing with some of the people I used to play with often but now I consider myself lucky if I play with someone who has at least 100 games experience and a boot record under 10%. A lot of them also won't vote to end in a game where you would usually vote to end. My blacklist grows each day.

Anybody else have this problem?
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/4/2011 05:00:34

Level 55
@ Atheist I think that as always been a problem and always will be a problem with any online game of this nature. Noobs will always ruins things.
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/4/2011 12:59:21

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
i wish game creators would select more prerequisites, especially for team games.
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/4/2011 20:56:07

Level 38
Atheist, Knoebber, and [WM]x, I agree completely--but here's a brand-new thread on precisely what I was complaining about: http://warlight.net/Forum/Thread.aspx?ThreadID=1609.
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/5/2011 06:07:59

Level 56
@atheist I just hope that your experiences with people who have under 100 games and above a 10% boot hasn't diluted your feelings towards me. I constantly hear of players complaining about how noobish new players are and how they are constantly getting booted mid game and that settings are rigged, blah, blah, blah.

I happen to be one of the people with under 100 games and higher then a 10% boot rate. My games are because I'm new and my boot rate is because I was stupid enough to join 2 minute boot games. However this doesn't mean I "suck" or I'm a "noob". And maybe they wont vote to end because they don't know how, or they don't have the experience to know when to end. However this doesn't mean you should blacklist them!

Think back to the time when you first started on your first 100 games. Back then people were more accepting of newbies. Back then I bet you didn't know when to end either. I'd also like to note that 10 or 20 boots for a person with 50 games is far worse then some people I've seen with 50 boots and 1000 games.

I'm glad the majority of my Warlight experience hasn't been influenced by people who think like you.

Just Sayin'
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/5/2011 06:55:08

Level 59
I think a lot of the boot-percentage can be attributed to the fact that newbies often don't know where to find the Vote-to-End or Surrender buttons :-)
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/5/2011 08:11:36

Level 49
12 boots with 5 being in the past month... I don't think I was ever anywhere near the 10% boot mark, even with joining 3-4 5 minute boot games at the same time...

I was constantly annoyed by the prereqs set by many people in their titles *pre prereqs* for games played.. it seemed highly excessive.. and it kept going up as my games went yup *initially 150, then 200, then 350 etc.* so I can understand how a newb might become discouraged due to that.. most of my open games/tournaments which I used to make, I believe have 10-15% boot ratio, as I see it as being difficult to get higher then that while being active, and 15-20 games played...
I kind of wish there was a way to customize the pre-reqs to have /or/ in there.. I would like 15 Multi-day games /or/ 75 Real time games, as a limitation.. because it is unpractical to restrict purely based on a type of game in many cases, and is unfair imho to restrict based purely on games, when MD players take longer to accrue the same game record..

/ramble off
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/5/2011 15:22:19

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
perrin, whats happening is that as you play more games more prerequisited-ed games are avaiable to you. if the game creator is blacklisted or you dont fulfill the prerequsites. the 350+ games thing are normally multidays as they take so long to fill up but as ability normally corresponds with games played youre more likely to get better games that way. but normally the prereqs are reasonable like 20 games played, just to avoid complete noobs (there are always autogames).

agree that the specifics of some prereqs dont make sense ... why does the type of game matter?
Who the fuck are you people??: 7/5/2011 15:23:49

Addy the Dog 
Level 62
uh, the second sentence should go on

... the game wont be available to you in the open games.
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