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There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 15:08:05

Level 56
No sane person believes that man was made out of a rock and a woman was made out of his ribs. PLus, no sane person believes that animals were SIMULTANEOUSLY created before and after humans.
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 15:12:21

Clint Eastwood
Level 59
First you said there were no smart creationists. Then you said there were no sane ones. Sanity and intelligence are vastly different things.
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 15:15:37

Level 56
There are no smart or sane creationists
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 15:51:52

Clint Eastwood
Level 59
Well, trying to remain unbiased here, but if you insult someone based on their beliefs--atheist, religious, liberal, conservative, whatever--then you're an asshole.

You don't have to agree with creationism. You don't have to agree with atheism. But if you call either one of those groups stupid just because they believe something that you believe to be unreasonable? As I said, that makes you an asshole.

As you may have figured out, I'm a creationist. I'm not going to say what my IQ is, but I can tell you, I'm at least not stupid. And last I checked, I'm pretty sane as well. This "all creationists are stupid and insane" argument is just so you'll feel better about yourself. In reality, what you believe has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or insanity.

And, as said above, stop insulting people for their beliefs. You don't see me walking around insulting atheists. Because I respect their beliefs.

If you really, truly believe that you, as an atheist, are better than creationists, then prove it by being the bigger person. Be more mature and keep your mouth shut. Because guess what? There are no smart or sane people who randomly insult others online with no provocation.
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 15:54:30

Level 56
They're fcktards. Is that not enough? I don't see too many people insulting atheism because WE DON'T BELIEVE SOME SKY BITCH MADE US OUT OF FCKING DUST AND SOME WHORE OUT OF A GUY'S RIB!
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 15:57:23

Clint Eastwood
Level 59
Aaaaand you proceed to do the opposite of everything I said. Well, enjoy your fedora and eternal virginity. Adiós.
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 15:59:15

Level 56
Blaming them and calling them stupid will convince noone, makes me wonder if you're sane and smart; if you were really angry about this, you would argue about it.

like Clint said: "If you really, truly believe that you, as an atheist, are better than creationists, then prove it by being the bigger person. Be more mature and keep your mouth shut.".

You're trying to make it out like it's something out of the ordinary and amazing when someone believes in the most believed-in faith in the world. It's not surprising at all. Christianity is one of the most sheltered ideas in the world.

There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 16:12:10

Darth Kitty
Level 59
A study should really be done comparing the IQ of atheists with the IQs of people practicing the many different religions. I would be curious to see the results of that.
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 16:16:10

[REGL] Pooh 
Level 62
Would it help if we correctly framed what we're discussing?

There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 16:18:30

Level 56
@Robin Hood Shit, can you not tell what's trolling? I have seriously lost a lot of respect for you
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 17:08:53

Spenglerian Traditionalist
Level 48
Isaac Newton

OP eternally btfo
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 17:23:33

Spenglerian Traditionalist
Level 48
no one cares jew
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 17:34:35

Spenglerian Traditionalist
Level 48
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 17:41:48

Spenglerian Traditionalist
Level 48
jew pls
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 17:46:53

Spenglerian Traditionalist
Level 48
kike pls
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 17:48:20

Level 56
person from leeds pls
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 17:51:43

Spenglerian Traditionalist
Level 48
t jude
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 18:40:53

Level 56
Christianity isn't remotely as sheltered as Islam because it does not inherently have any political institution.

I said "one" of the most sheltered, and just since it's inherently not having politic institutions doesn't mean it doesn't get them through twisting the faith.
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 18:46:14

Castle Bravo
Level 56
Hey Japanball what is your opinion on Shariah law zones in Britain
There are no smart creationists.: 6/9/2017 18:48:02

Level 56
Fck them
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