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warzone revisualizing: 1/25/2020 18:00:47

Level 33
with all of controls and customization available in warlight as a game, had anyone ever tweaked it to be linked to excel tables when a variety of data types? outside of gaming and map making, the platform seems ripe for ad-hoc customization. hypothetical: would it be possible to customize a map linked to a local 'registered predator' list, and be able to designate locations based on real addresses? as publicly available information, apps already create 'neighborhood awareness' with features alerting you when passing by certain areas. some playing a connected map like that might totally spark a new perspective on the scooe or scale of certain data points. other crime or income stats might be interesting to explore integration into custom maps updated in near real time.

from a professional perspective, are there ways to connect warlight to business reporting dashboards and use the games 'maps' as actually customizeable data visuals? (think tableau/powerbi)
warzone revisualizing: 1/25/2020 18:26:58

Level 60
You can’t write too a game in progress. You can use the create game to write i guess and you can read from a game using the API.

Not convenient for what you are asking thru
warzone revisualizing: 1/26/2020 18:38:19

Level 23
Maybe could accomplish this with a mod? Are you planning to add those visualizations in-game (fwiw, I don't think it'll be easy to connect in-game territories to real-world locations without relying on the territory names, which are noisy- E.g., "Jefferspoon City" in Biomes of the Americas)? Or do you want to export in-game data out to Tableau/etc. and add the other data there? The latter you might be able to accomplish with the queryGame API but I don't think that one gives you truly detailed map data directly.

Wanting to find the sex offender stats for the territories on a Warzone map is definitely a novel idea, though.

Or are you trying to _create_ a map/template for it? If you want to create a map, that's probably much more effort due to the testing and approval process. But if you just want to create a template where you set bonus weights based on how many kids get raped there each year, that's actually very much viable but would probably require you to manually export or at least prune/connect/tweak the map's territories and bonuses.

The createGame API will definitely let you set bonus weights in your game automatically based on neighborhood statistics. But the resulting game will probably not be playable unless those statistics are coincidentally close to the weightings you need to make most bonuses/starts viable.

Edited 1/26/2020 18:42:14
warzone revisualizing: 1/26/2020 19:53:01

Level 63
lets track pedophiles and poor people with warlight!
warzone revisualizing: 1/27/2020 05:15:54

Level 23
I mean there are probably some insightful visualizations that would help with roleplay games. E.g., military base locations, major industries.
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