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The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 22:55:24

Level 58
who talked about pleasure? unless you think that god took pleasure in killing those babies? No, it is about doing what is right for these babies, which is to save them from hell (wich god decided they deserved in the first place). No, i just switch murder by rape, wich are the 2 most violent crime there is. i am just using your logic here, wich is that any horror god does is justified because [enter some bullshit here]
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 22:58:11

Thomas 633
Level 56

The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 22:59:19

Level 58
Everyone should play down a little, and with that I do not mean minify, but attenuate. (You should get that if google translate was right...)

But seriously, both sides on this discussion, I think you shouldn't be that... fierce. Relax a little. At least start with saying: 'I think the lgtb-community is...' instead of 'The lgtb-community is...' and claiming that your opinion is true. Don't do that in a discussion about lgtbq+, because the discussion may never end this way and you will likely never convince each other.

'Attenuating' should get at least get the same equal rights as 'indoctrination' has.

People from Åland are superior though ;)
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 22:59:56

Level 54
Instead of making some hazardous assertions, their historicity has never been proven, many researches have been made but none showed conclusive results.



The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:06:04

Level 54
who talked about pleasure? unless you think that god took pleasure in killing those babies? No, it is about doing what is right for these babies, which is to save them from hell (wich god decided they deserved in the first place). No, i just switch murder by rape, wich are the 2 most violent crime there is. i am just using your logic here, wich is that any horror god does is justified because [enter some bullshit here]

Who talked about pleasure?

Do you not have pleasure from sex?

unless you think that god took pleasure in killing those babies?

No I don't think he took pleasure from it. We forget that the Egyptians threw their enemy's children away so they got what they did.
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:12:26

Level 59

Damn Chinese circa 600 BCE must have been corrupted by "Modern Western Homosexual Propaganda."
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:14:46

Level 58
Just to be clear, you do believe that all these killing, sodom and gomorra, the flood, noah's Ark,noah living to 950 years old, Jesus born out of a virgin, Jesus resurects himself, Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden, Moise opening the sea, the earth created in 6 days about 6000 years ago,etc, all these things ACTUALLY happened right?
In you opinion, what is historical fact and what is just fiction?
edit: And on what criteria do you decide what is true and what is not?

Edited 3/30/2015 23:21:07
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:29:44

Level 58
Instead of making some hazardous assertions, their historicity has never been proven, many researches have been made but none showed conclusive results.




Ahahaha, first link I opened, the website's title: "Revealing God Treasure, Biblical sites uncovered", is that your reliable source? come on man you can do better than this.

Edited 3/30/2015 23:29:56
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:35:01

Level 54
^ yea I realized that and tried to find a neutral website but I couldn't find one
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:40:15

Level 54
I just went through 3 pages of Google trying to find a neutral website. DARNYOUNUETRALWEBSITESDARNYOU
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:47:08

Level 58
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:47:37

Level 54
Just to be clear, you do believe that all these killing, sodom and gomorra, the flood, noah's Ark,noah living to 950 years old, Jesus born out of a virgin, Jesus resurects himself, Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden, Moise opening the sea, the earth created in 6 days about 6000 years ago,etc, all these things ACTUALLY happened right?
In you opinion, what is historical fact and what is just fiction?
edit: And on what criteria do you decide what is true and what is not?

Moise opens masses of moist water.

You believe that a ball of matter exploded unleashing masses of mass across nothing creating planets and stars and some how SOME HOW made live when everything else was live less objects? And on what criteria do you decide what is true and what is not?
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:48:54

Level 54
IL be gone for awhile so I may not answer. Good day.
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:51:06

Level 58
seriously though Lucid Dreamer, i my questions were of genuine interest, i know that in general the virgin birth and the resurrection of JC are the 2 non-negotiable supernatural events that a true christian has to believe, but for the rest there is a variety of opinion, and i never could figure out what criteria people use to say what is true and what is just meant to be a "poetic image"
The LGBT Problem: 3/30/2015 23:56:21

Level 54
seriously though Lucid Dreamer, i my questions were of genuine interest, i know that in general the virgin birth and the resurrection of JC are the 2 non-negotiable supernatural events that a true christian has to believe, but for the rest there is a variety of opinion, and i never could figure out what criteria people use to say what is true and what is just meant to be a "poetic image"

Well I think God put magic sperm in marry. Now that I think about, sperm donation. You can be a virgin since the definition is some one who hasn't had sex.

Jesus resurrection. God power ssshshaboom.

But I'm welcoming for questions.
The LGBT Problem: 3/31/2015 00:04:00

Level 58
As for my understanding of the origin of the universe and life, I am not afraid to say it:
i have a little understanding of the bigbang theory and the expansion of the universe and how planet were formed.
I have a little understanding of how life could have happened in theory.

But here is the thing, these questions are the most complex questions there is, and science hasn't answered all of them yet. And i think that the pursuit of truth about our universe and about life has to be through science and reason.

I mean seriously, you think that the answer to the most complex questions of all times is: because god created it? What an awfully simple answer for that complexe of a question don't you think?
how convient that this answer was made when men almost didn't know anything about astronomy and physics! And above all, no evidence whatsoever to support it!
By believing in that incredible claim with the Bible as sole evidence for it is just lazy in my opinion. God did it! there you go, no need to search for the truth anymore! what a relief!

So the real and honest answer is: We don't have the answer! lets keep looking guys, this is the most exciting question there is!

Edited 3/31/2015 00:11:12
The LGBT Problem: 3/31/2015 00:33:46

Level 54
through science and reason.

Cocks! We belive in science, magnetism etc. It inferiorates me when people say that. Science hasn't prove that we come from the sea, apes came from fish, man came from apes. If God made everything then he made science and we belive in science. Shit! There isn't even fossil evidence of that. Look at frogs they change and yet it doesn't take millions of years. Viruses change and it takes a seconds.

I mean seriously, you think that the answer to the most complex questions of all times is: because god created it?

Yea, God created. Must you need a complex answer? All attributes he gave us were a gift and a curse after that dame fruit. Curiosity made discoveries for good and bad. "Oh look at what happens when you rub two sticks together" and "I made leathle gas bombs hahah"

What an awfully simple answer for that complexe of a question don't you think?

Your making yourself think it has to be a complicated answer. It like learning about magnets. Sounds hard to learn how they work but it is really simple.

how convient that this answer was made when men almost didn't know anything about astronomy and physics!

Man knows the answer! Just one corrupt man twisted the truth for his benefit. As for astronomy God made the stars for man to guide through the world.

And above all, no evidence whatsoever to support it! By believing in that incredible claim with the Bible as sole evidence for it is just lazy in my opinion. God did it! there you go, no need to search for the truth anymore! what a relief!

Have you not clicked my links? There is evidence for Gorham and sodam. Roman scrolls talking about Jesus. A whole bunch of ark stuff (yes I know it is disputed there is like 3 arts and they don't know which one). BabylonIan capture of Jerusalem and the slaving of the jews. Cyrus releasing them. Egyptian recording of red Nile, children ding by the masses etc.

Evidence right in front of you and still denial!

Now I really have to go good day.

Edited 3/31/2015 05:35:01
The LGBT Problem: 3/31/2015 00:51:10

Level 58
ok that's what i thought, you litterally believes everything there is in the Bible. We also have very different definition of what the word "evidence" means apparently. And when you say that evolution hasn't been proven, thats when i know i need to stop arguing. I rest my case
The LGBT Problem: 3/31/2015 00:55:39

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I go with the traditional way of interpretation of the bible; It's not a literal telling of events.
The LGBT Problem: 3/31/2015 00:58:38

Level 55
How did you somehow manage to make a anti-LGBT post in freaking computer risk. Like, that defies all logic
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