New Ethiopian Empire Pt.2 (Battle for the Horn)

Created by Oaksworth (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/25/2017
Number of attempts: 161
Number of wins: 147
Number of likes: 17
Record holder: [V.I.W]*mtanzer* in 5 turns on 6/2/2017


Now that Eritrea has fallen, its time to make the Horn of Africa ours, if we control it, we would have a say in the global trade in and out of the Red Sea, not to mention we would stabilize he region under the Ethiopian flag, however, Djibouti and Somalia shouldn't be much of a threat, however, Somaliland is not to be underestimated, with its commander and a decent sized force, it is vital that you take Somaliland before taking the weaker nations.

Editors Note: You may lose some territory initially, don't be alarmed, just keep attacking the Somaliland army with whatever you got to weaken and eventually destroy them.