One by one

Created by karsot (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/13/2018
Number of attempts: 976
Number of wins: 62
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: DH in 47 turns on 1/15/2018


56+ turns win = You did something wrong (but you still won).
55 turns win = OK, you found out the safe way to deal with this level, but it's possible to do better.
54 turns win= Nice job, fastest possible win by natural play...but with some tricks, you could do better.
53 turns = Congrats. That's the number of turns I used to publish it.
52 turns = I think I could do it after a few attempts.
51 - turns = Very impressive!

Depending on your skill level, this level might be long or boring, but I think it will be challenging for most players.