Westeros#4 Oxcross

Created by Original Smarty (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/26/2018
Number of attempts: 256
Number of wins: 88
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: Brotherdan in 5 turns on 1/26/2018


After the previous battles, Robb Stark has sent Theon to Pyke to forge an alliance with the ironborn. Robb has just heard of a new lannister host gathering at Oxcross, near Casterly Rock, commanded by Stafford Lannister. He immediatly send Catelyn as an envoy to Renly Baratheon and he marches to Oxcross so that he wont have to fight on 2 fronts.