Westeros #7 Blackwater Bay

Created by Original Smarty (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/27/2018
Number of attempts: 150
Number of wins: 120
Number of likes: 11
Record holder: Warmonger1 in 7 turns on 1/27/2018


Stannis claimed the throne as the rightful heir. After killing Renly with the shadow, the stormlands forces have joined Stannis. He now has a huge host and a huge fleet ready to attack Kingslanding, the capital of Westeros. Hearding this, Tywin has moved from Harrenhal and a huge Tyrell host is joining them to save the city. Tyrion has made the preparations for defense, even puting wildfire in a ship to burn their fleet.