Recreate the world S2 E10: Rise of Kazakhstan pt 1

Created by United States (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 3/27/2020
Number of attempts: 64
Number of wins: 59
Number of likes: 10
Record holder: Ysayell1 in 3 turns on 3/27/2020


France isn’t the only survivor of the nuclear holocaust, hundreds of people survived in bunkers 100 ft below sea level (no wonder they survived), anyways the last Kazakhstan Empire was about 4 years ago in 2030 (Current year: 2034) and they want to recreate the Kazakhstan Empire but they soon found out that they are not alone and heard that France has survived also so they expand in secret hoping that they don’t get revealed so they quickly expand before they get caught (yes no one forgot the world because, well, they are living in a post apocalyptic world that happened right after WWIII)