WWIII: Liverpool

Created by Bookwyrm21 (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 12/21/2023
Number of attempts: 131
Number of wins: 30
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: Magic in 19 turns on 12/22/2023


The allied alien invaders from Europa (moon of Jupiter, Sol), Tau Ceti E (planet of the Tau Ceti system), and Proxima Centauri B (planet of the Proxima Centauri system) have come down to Earth to capture all the chefs of the renowned stew called "scouse." As Liverpool is renowned for it, the aliens decided to visit Liverpool first. Luckily, the Earth Defense Alliance (see "nonfiction" book "ARMADA" by Ernest Cline for more information) has a base in Liverpool and will ally with you against the space invaders. Can you fight for merchandising rights for scouse-themed lunch boxes, coloring books, breakfast cereals, t-shirts, toilet paper, and stews? (Inspiration for this text from "ARMADA"--Ernest Cline, "Spaceballs: The Movie"--Mel Brooks, and this Warzone map)