Rise of the Czech Empire III

Created by Glory to Czechland (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/2/2016
Number of attempts: 134
Number of wins: 32
Number of likes: 4
Record holder: fatality in 14 turns on 8/4/2016


Chapter 3: World War T
World War 3 was the only war in human history whisout a winner. When Russia annexed Crimea USA reacted by declaring war. Soon whole Earth was in the war. States wich joined Russian were Puritans - they wanted to purify world from corruption, they though, that democracy can't work - media will always change citizen's opinions to the benefit of rich and powerful peaple. They wanted autocracy. Conventionals was name of second, USA side. They though, that democracy will evolve and peaple will be more and more intelligent and they won't let media change their opinions.
After several years of massive war between Puritans and Convetionals they found out that terroristic organizations took the chance and expanded. USA and Russia concluded peace and started to fight terrorists. In times of War terrorists under command of ISIS got infiltrated in all big and important cities on Earth. Prague and Brno were one of them...

Difficulty 6/10: medium-hard
Length: medium (20-30 turns)