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Genocide reduces global warming: 9/7/2015 23:41:36

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Therefore the world would be a lot lesser populated.And
the problems with living space in Japan would be solved 4-ever ♥

Edited 9/7/2015 23:42:15
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/7/2015 23:43:02

Level 56
include a World War 1 joke?

No joke, dark humour is bad humour.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/7/2015 23:43:19

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
It is global wobbling. Global wobbling is the factor for cold and hot ages.


Genocide reduces global warming: 9/7/2015 23:43:48

Level 57
China signing a deal to reduce their pollution, Is an important first step.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/7/2015 23:45:28

#The Prussian Job-Oh yeah, baby...
Level 51
Yeah,I always was sure that only 1 country pollutes hundredthousands of squarekilometers of air ;)
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 00:02:43

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
Commit genocide = less people.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 00:04:18

Level 54
Iirc, global wobbling has to do with the earth's tilt. Our axis naturally tilts at different angles, and so what was once summer might become fall or spring.

I study science now and shit like that, shout out to all the science.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 00:04:35

Level 54
Also, you can thank me later.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 01:40:48

Level 58
There is a new way people dispose of their bodies. They are basically asking for instant decomposition to reduce ecological impact. I am not sure what is done with the remnants. The whole process is displeasing.

Some countries pay citizens for voluntary permanent sterilization..... I guess it is mostly the poor that does it. Common in India.

Another solution to reduce pollution besides people control is eat less meat. You can use the corn directly.

Or stop mining and find a way to recycle all the metal. Like recycling computers.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 01:50:13

Level 54
We need the proteins in meat. Don't bring up vitamins, because getting nutrients from pills is not the same as food.

Also, if we ate the corn then the cows would starve. Cow starving asshole.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 01:54:29

Cata Cauda
Level 59
We dont need to eat meat. I am vegetarian and still alive.
Also the cows can eat grass...
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 02:07:18

Level 58
I don't know if it is browsing history for chrome. This thread is ranked higher than the research article and reposts of it on blogs.

Can someone confirm that it is not just my chrome account data ?

If the thread is ranked higher than the article it refers to, the next logical step would be to bump the morseware thread.

Jist type title. The same as the article. Also, it did not look like a joke paper.

Edit :
Al Gore approves Genghis Khan genocides apparently. Search terms are genghis khan + al gore.

U.N. also seems to aprove genocide. First page results.

Edited 9/8/2015 02:20:48
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 02:12:43

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
It was the third result for me.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 02:21:31

Level 58
It is not ranked in duckduckgo search engine so not surprising

Duckduckgo also doesn't seem to index any of my threads.

Edited 9/8/2015 02:53:58
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 03:31:18

Level 59
The same thing can be achieved through birth control. Developed countries reach a point where their population is stable, and actually even starts to decrease slowly. We need to educate the third and second world countries to get them to use contraception properly. This is partly the Catholic churches fault for discouraging the use of condoms in places like Africa.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/8/2015 05:10:45

Rogue NK
Level 59
@fleecemaster. You have no idea. The pope just pardoned all women who ever got abortions which means the catholic church condones/tolerates it.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/10/2015 03:49:40

Level 59
Well that's a good first step at least.
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/10/2015 04:09:32

Level 59
Hmmm so you guys don't want to have many beautiful children, your descendants, your fucking pride,

because you care about some theoretical promoted concept global warming/overpopulation?

Bitch please *laughs* *positively*

Edited 9/10/2015 04:10:18
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/10/2015 11:52:14

Level 59
Nah, I don't want kids cos they're all snotty...

Plus they wouldn't be beautiful if they were mine :P
Genocide reduces global warming: 9/10/2015 12:22:51

Level 59
We shouldn't be feeding cows corn anyway, it is much healthier for them to eat grass and hay. Options to rapidly depopulate the earth are limited without inciting global anger, so I believe that both reducing and changing how we eat meat is the best option humanity has to reduce our impact on the environment. Voluntary sterilization as was mentioned earlier is also good, and needs to be applied to countries that have not yet stabilized their birth rates. Someone said the cows would starve (I hope this is a joke), no the demand for cows and other livestock will be reduced if everyone was to eat meat only once a day or less. As demand for meat dropped off we could use less land to grow inefficient corn and use more of it to grow food humans can eat, or plants like hemp for biofuel and other industrial uses.

The concept of a stable population is not popular in the USA and other developed countries. We are dependent on an ever growing economy and workforce to fund the pyramid scheme of social security. We need to realize that constant economic growth is unsustainable, and adjust those programs and our expectations accordingly. We may stave this off for a few generations by importing migrant workers to keep feeding the machine but this is also unsustainable.

Genocide is a terrible solution, but death will be the result of our reckless growth if we do not take steps to moderate it as a species.
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