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Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 16:16:02

Level 56
Rand Paul just left the presidential race. What are your thoughts? I like him, but he never had a chance and it will help clear the field
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 16:18:54

Level 46
oh well. I like him too but he just never garnered enough support. Maybe in 8 more years he might win but today most people are left leaning and theres just no chance for someone who is a classical liberal. The political arena is too polarized.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 17:36:15

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
I just started crying. This primary season just went to shit. Rationality is dead. Well I guess we're stuck with the Rubio. Come on guys lets invade the world!!
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 18:42:51

Level 57
That sucks. Rand seemed like a pretty good candidate. It's not the end of the world, however.

On a similar note: Why do so many people act like he's the messiah of the Republican party? I've seen Rand supporters on multiple sites who seem to be losing their minds over this news.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 18:45:23

Level 56
This was not the libertarian year. One day.....it will be
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 19:04:06

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Can't wait for all the new conflicts we'll be involved in. So many dead over stupid things, sounds like a plan. What will it be? Iranian Nuclear Plants, Russian Peninsulas or Tibetan Monasteries?
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 20:00:12

Level 58
Why do so many people care about shit republicans when no republican will ever beat Hillary?
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 20:04:18

Level 57
Why do so many people want Hillary to win when she's the most corrupt candidate in this entire election?
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 21:11:04

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Because being a warmongering conservative doesn't matter as long as you're a democrat.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 23:38:55

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Why do so many people act like he's the messiah of the Republican party?

Because he's the only fiscal conservative. Literally you can't go 2 seconds without some GOP establishment or tea party candidate claiming they are the most fiscal conservative person in the god-damn universe yet they continue to increase deficit spending to appease Israel and the Washington War Machine. The only person in the Republican party who's stood up consistently for a small government and a balanced budget is Dr. Randal Howard Paul. He doesn't care that he's one of the only libertarian Republicans, he doesn't care the liberty movement is only about 15% of the GOP, he doesn't care that people like Rubio call him an isolationist (when is far from being so), and he doesn't care about partisan politics. Rand Paul is honest, rational, pragmatic, and humble. Rand Paul will save the GOP...maybe in 2020. He's religious without being evangelical. He's liberal enough to see the merit in prison reform and marijuana decriminalization. And he's conservative enough to realize that the purest form of American Conservatism called for stronger states and a smaller federal technocracy.

Edited 2/3/2016 23:41:12
Rand Paul drops out: 2/3/2016 23:59:04

Level 58
Bah, don't make me laugh. In 2020 Yeezus will be more influential in the debates than the Republican party.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 00:20:51

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I don't see how a wack ass idiot who fell off a while ago would have any influence.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 00:29:07

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Just wait and see. Libertarianism is growing in full force in America. If either Rubio or Clinton take the White House you can expect the budget deficit to grow, the debt to increase, the economy to be more federally centralized, and more US troops in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia. All this will send voters in droves to the most fiscal conservative and non-interventionist candidates (cue applause for Rand Paul). If not 2020 then by 2024.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 00:43:18

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
As soon as I saw he dropped out, I laughed for a good ten minutes. Tis truly a great day!
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 03:10:49

Level 60
Because being a warmongering conservative doesn't matter as long as you're a democrat.

Tupac are you a registered independent?
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 09:09:59

Level 56
About time he dropped out, everyone polling below Carson should leave.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 14:59:07

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Jim Gilmore is still running. The guy who got 12 votes is still running.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 16:08:11

Level 56
He got a whole 12? I thought he only got 4. Seriously though, why is he still running?
Rand Paul drops out: 2/4/2016 16:09:22

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
To increase his book sales.
Rand Paul drops out: 2/5/2016 00:34:24

Level 56
Ron Paul was my favourite American presidential candidate in 2008 and 2012. Rand was pretty good, too. But they both had no chance. Ending militarism? No way.
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