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Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 00:49:50

Level 46
1) 90% seems quite huge, and could leave the military unfunded.
2) Should put nuclear arsenal to good use. Use scrapped missiles to convert into nuclear energy.
3) Yet again, a quite huge cut.
4) No comment.
5) Even for riots? That could pose a few problems.
6) No comment.
7) Why would militias need all of those?
8) No comment.
9) Seems quite odd to be trusting many small and disorganized groups to protect the nation instead of a strong and central army.
10) That's going to make a bad situation WORSE, not better.
11) Same point as 10.
12) What's going to stop them from collecting funds and becoming self sufficient?
12a) No objection.
13) No objection.
14) No comment.
14a) No. Encouraging violent protests against government would have bad side effects.
14b) No comment.
15) No comment.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 00:54:36

Level 59
Ofc a mob will give a fair trial to police officers accused of corruption, because the human genre is great and fair, it would never end in a bunch of people getting lynched.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 00:57:22

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
I think the MGSB's title explains the need for policies 1-14 quite well.

The numbers may be in dispute and are open to debate I think, but the overall purpose of the policies would end a lot of the current problems with the US government including police militarization, war hawkishness, and excessive government attacks on our civil liberties. However I was surprised not to see anything mentioned on TSA, Drones, NSA spying and data collection, or State's Rights.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 01:00:33

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Spying things is going to be another part.

States' Rights are lesser than individual rights, and I don't really want to encourage states to make state-wide militias.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 01:02:08

Level 56
cuz Texas would dick on everyone?
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 01:07:54

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I don't want anyone pulling a Mohhamed Ali Pasha. Local militias don't have the ability to do this, but hypothetical state militias would.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 01:42:41

Level 59
The smaller the organisation, the smaller will be the oversight on it, and it's easier for them to abuse power locally.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 01:52:30

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
The smaller the organization, the less likely they'll split off and declare the republic of West Florida. These are local organizations that do not police and are merely in place to defend against police tyranny and foreign invasion. The chance of Rich robbing his neighbor is pretty low , and it's not like police that take a small minority from a neighboring community and make them police a different neighborhood to make sure they can have complete control, these are people who train every once in a while and that live in the place they're protecting.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:14:27

Level 59
Ofc, the smaller the organisation, and the smaller the chance for it to become a real threat to the nation, but the more you have of those, the harder is the oversight.

You'd have either to spend billion dollars a year to correctly oversight thousands of militias, and let's speak frankly here, that's not gonna happen, or you won't do oversight at all, and that's a fucking problem.

You can't dismantle the army and give the duty of defending the army to paramilitary organisations, that's not a good plan. Specially in our modern times.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:34:56

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
How is it not a good plan? The government spends way too much on the army when it's pretty much unneeded , the chances of a actual invasion are slim to none and this is a check against the blue shirts. The biggest threat to the US right now is the police and the government, this plan neuters them.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:39:50

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Specially in our modern times

In our modern times governments engaging in democide have killed 260 million people. If you include casualties in war , the number jumps to 350 million. Sorry I don't want police going door to door killing minorities because of some tripe about them being a threat to the country's integrity. I don't want the government to be intervening overseas constantly and killing thousands. The neutering of the military puts interventionism on standstill.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:41:42

Level 59
It would neuter the police and the government abuse of authority problems, but it would create others you might not be able to solve later.

Plus, I'd say the biggest threat to the US and your democray isn't the police or the government, but corporations and climate change. The first ones because they buy your government to defend their interests, and the second one because we're all screwed anyway if we destroy our planet.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:46:08

Level 59
To the 2nd msg: Major, the problem on those matters isn't on government, but on the people who run it. Go see, idk Sweden. It has a police, a military, politicians, and they haven't killed minorities or entered stupid wars over the years. They didn't needed a militia to sto p that.

I do however agree that the politicians who control the army and the police need to be closely watched to avoid them doing iresponsible things that were done over the years in america.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:47:25

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Corporations don't buy the government, the government buys the corporations.

Fox News: propaganda
CNN: propaganda
MSNBC: propaganda
Food corporations: Mass produced foodstuffs to keep the population up for a big army
Energy corporations: lots of energy that hurts nature , but provides for the US

In exchange, the US doesn't sink their teeth into them.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:52:13

Level 46
You're giving every part of the political spectrum an arm of violence, many of which have differing ideas and plans. Some groups might be triggered by a black person being convicted, while others might be triggered by police brutally arresting someone. Whatever the pretense is, you've given a Cassius Belli for these groups to legally be able to cause mayhem.
"If local police turn a blind eye to discrimination based on race, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, or political belief that turns violent in anyway besides throwing fruit or vegetables , local militia can intervene on behalf of the party being discriminated against."
Wouldn't this just cause a riot?
Policeman beats Person A.
Group 1 sides with Person A, so they attack police.
Police and Group 1 fight.
While fight drags on, many come out to show support for both sides in other parts of town. As the group sees that the protesters are acting against human rights, they call for their group to attack.
Clashes begin thought town.
Lotting begins of enemy shops, houses etc.
At the end of the riot, the town is left in chaos.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:56:04

Level 46
“Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we’re discovering we work for Fox.”
David Frum, former speechwriter for George W. Bush
Also, if the govt. buys the corporations, then why is there lobbying?
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 02:57:42

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Sweden got wrecked economically by socialism, doesn't have sizable minorities and can't fight any of it's neighbors.

1815: Well that was painful and dangerous, we'll be neutral from now on
1905: Well, we don't really have the resources to beat off Norway and it might attract stronger countries to get involved, go on Norway, be free
1914: Well, I knew it would happen again , time to sit around, can't beat any of them
1939: Same as 1914, except its time to tap Prussia's phone
1945: Too weak, don't want fight the Soviets or Americans
2016: What can we even do at this point? America owns Europe.

Countries do things when they can, unless they are limited by either the people or their own inherent weakness. America is strong, it is time to limit it via the people.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 03:00:48

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
The militia in your scenario would practically dominate the police from the onset, the police are beaten , most surrender or run away and peace comes back. The people protest, show support for the police, it's their right to.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 03:02:50

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Also, if the govt. buys the corporations, then why is there lobbying?

Politicians buying each other to their cause.
Major's neutering of the US government.: 3/28/2016 03:09:56

Level 60
President Benjamin Censored!

US Government Budget Today:

Pensions 1.2 Trillion
Health Care 1.5 Trillion
Education 1 Trillion
Defense 831 Billion
Welfare 456 Billion
Protection 288 Billion
Transportation 297 Billion
General Government 181 Billion
Other Spending 531 Billion
Interest 351 Billion

Federal Tax Income 3.25 Trillion
Total Spending 6.725 Trillion
Export Income 2.25 Trillion
Gross -1.225 Trillion

Altered Budget:

Pensions 1 Trillion - Offer to people who were employed for 30 or more years.
Health Care 600 Billion - Privitize, little/no subsidies.
Education 150 Million - States should control this, destroy department of education. The remaining budget should be for paying existing workers/designing non-required tests.
Defense 500 Billion - Reduce nuclear arsenal to 250 Warheads (can destroy the whole world anyways), promote militias, reduce police force/national army.
Welfare 150 Billion - Give 10,000$ a year to the very poor - bottom 5%
Protection 300 Billion - this is a fine number, reduce a bit
Transportation 325 Billion - Reduce/Eliminate uses for cars with major buses/trains/plane innovation
Infrastructure 250 Billion - Build cities like the Gulf States, and crazy new innovative constructions.
General Government 75 Billion - Pay the workers much much less.
Other Spending 250 Billion - Most of this is pointless spending or imports, we can be more self-sufficient.
War on Drugs Revamp 100 Billion - Eliminate DEA, use Switzerland method.

Federal Tax Income 2.45 Trillion
Total Spending 3.45 Trillion
Export Income 2.25 Trillion
Gross 1.15 Trillion

New tax system:

Under $20,000 a year/person over 18 - 2% tax rate
$20,000-$50,000 a year/person over 18 - 5% tax rate
$50,000-$100,000 a year/person over 18 - 10% tax rate
Over $100,000 a year/person over 18 - 15% tax rate

Unemployment would plummet to about 2%, with about 196,000,000 Americans working to make an average of about 100,000$ a year.

"Executive Orders":

Federal Reserve: Audit by congress, raise interest rate to 1%

Completely get rid of corporate subsidies for large businesses (If you are in S&P 500, you don't deserve money from the government).

Maybe instead of giving welfare, you should allow people to work jobs that nobody wants to do in exchange for a subsidy of like 10k a year bonus.

GMO labeling is mandatory, people MUST know what is in their food, audit the USDA & FDA by congress.

Audit/Eliminate the IRS, have the Secretary of the Treasury handle it.

Illegal immigrants with high skills must get a high skilled job or leave, low skilled illegals must get a low skilled job or leave. That would reduce the amount of
people to deport by about 25%, increase jobs by about 3-4 Million.

Leave TPP, it hurts US Freedom and takes our jobs elsewhere.

20% Tax on all American-Based companies moving outside of the border - definitely no subsidies to them, unless they move back in.

DEA eliminated, plan to decarcinate 750,000 criminals and send them through rehab, tear down jails, build up Rehab clinics with free drugs, pay attention to getting
better instead of isolation. For non-violent drug related crimes, force to a clinic instead of a jail.

Edited 3/28/2016 03:10:17
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