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National ID cards: 5/25/2016 20:20:58

Level 7
ssn and passports exist already

ur making a big issue out of nothing
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 20:25:56

Angry Koala
Level 57
I heard on radio that in the near future they are planning to put a microchip in your body, that would replace ID cards, discusssions already started. You basically would be controlled everytime and anytime without any free choice. Welcome in the 21th century.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:00:23

Level 56
Oh my gosh, seriously?

1: I dispiseed this act from the beginning and have been warning about it and you just now found out about it? Pshhh.

2: What do you mean " Excuses " nobody on this website is even remotely responsible for that. I'm a Libertarian but that doesn't mean I agree 100% with everything the national platform says ( I'm Pro-Life, for example ) same with Conservatives and Liberals.

3: You could have started this off sensibly, instead of demanding explanations from a bunch of 16 year olds who have no control over their party or congress.

But I agree, this is the worst shit since TPA
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:01:09

Level 56
That's already done, I know some folk with microchips in them. It does more good than harm - if they get lost, then someone will know where you are.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:03:16

Level 7
how ironic that a libertarian forces a woman to give birth to a child

thru the use of government 2
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:05:07

Level 56
A key libertarian principle is that you can do what you want as long as it doesn't hurt others. I'm pretty sure terminating a Fetus counts as a violation lmfao
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:05:14

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
There are conservatives and liberals who agree with this tripe. It was more addressed to them. Also I'm glad you found out about the act when you were five.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:05:38

Level 56

Lol ok, granted

Edited 5/25/2016 21:06:04
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:10:19

Level 7
ya so what u do is force a woman to give birth thru the use of government

put the woman in harms way and put the child in a scenario where its unwanted

fetus is a clump of cells

ur for forced birth

how libertarian of u

Edited 5/25/2016 21:11:32
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:11:29

Level 56
God, if your gonna debate me, at least use proper English.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:12:12

Level 7
how does it feel to be for forced birth and not caring about a woman's choice to how she deals with her own body

and you use the government too

how libertarian of u
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:13:47

Level 56

It's not her body. If it was, she would be the one dying.

The government doesn't have anything to do with abortion except funding it.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:15:19

Level 7
i can put a tattoo in my body and remove it

there is a clump of cells inside her body and its her decision to remove it or not

thats freedom

ur for forcing women to give birth of children they dont want

ur infringing upon women to make these choices

and now ur saying that she doesnt own her body

how libertarian of u

Edited 5/25/2016 21:16:04
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:23:01

Level 56
Your comparing the living cells of a human being to a tattoo?

How liberal of you LMFAO

The majority of women who get Abortions CHOOSE TO HAVE SEX. Nobody forced them. Even if they didn't want a child and wanted sex, they could have gotten birth control. She decided not too, this Is what happens and they knew what could happen. So, considering all of this, why should an unborn child be punished for the sins of the mother. That being has just as many rights as the mother. This is where you show your ignorance of libertarianism and freedom. That " Clump of cells " as you so lovingly put it has the same rights as the mother.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:24:34

Level 56
You're arguing against a w-a-c-o.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:25:55

Level 56
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:32:41

Level 7
so lets punish a woman for having sex and making a mistake by forcing her to have a child that she doesnt want

how brilliant of u!!

u value a clump of cells more then a living breathing ACTUAL human

you dont care about freedom if you are going to force a woman to give birth to a child. its her body it her choice

National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:41:09

Level 56
" An Actual Human "

Most scientists disagree with you, that clump of living cells is alive and it's transitioning into the physical form of human. Because it's DNA is already formed, it's technically a developing human. Keep going, your stupidity on science fascinates me greatly since your basing everything on whether it has an arm LOL.

Part of making mistakes is learning from them. Escaping the consequences by ruining the life of an innocent human is justice by sacrificing the freedom of another. That's not true justice. That's the highest of hypocrisy.
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:47:01

Level 56
But keep going with the atrocity you so lavish label " Grammar ". It's fun, crushing your arguments one by one, I quite enjoy it. It's fun sharpening debate skills with lesser foes. At least Smedly gives me plausible arguments, your just spitting out stero typical liberal banter. Go do some reading for fresh material from Left Wing Nation, I'm sure you'll find those new arguments satisfactorily since you certainly can't figure these things out yourself
National ID cards: 5/25/2016 21:54:24

Level 7
what a true libertarian

forcing women to give birth for a clump of cells

so what if its living

a person doesnt develop self awareness until age 3. thats science

u wanna force a person who has hopes, dreams, feelings, personality to go through the pain of pregnancy and potentially birth complications and ultimately raise a child that it doesnt want because u care about some fetus that doesnt have any capacity to feel pain or even think

u care more about some cells over a actual woman. shows how much u care about actual ppl

what a true libertarian

its a good thing that conservatives are a dying breed

Edited 5/25/2016 21:55:19
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