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Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/9/2016 19:24:38

E Masterpierround
Level 58
1. Now perhaps the Democratic Party will realize that nominating a republican is a losing idea.
2. Republicans will actually have to do something now. For the past 8 years, Republicans really haven't done anything except try to stall whatever the president wants to do. Now, with the presidency and both chambers of Congress, we will see if they can actually get anything done.
3. Trump actually holds some positions that many on the left agree with. If he can focus on getting those done, and convince his own party to fall in line, we can actually see some progressive change in this country.
4. If Trump is as divisive as a president as he was as a candidate, we can expect to see a Democratic backlash in 2020. The Democratic vote is always stronger in presidential years, and a strong Democratic showing in 2020 could allow Democrats to control the redistricting after the 2020 census. This could theoretically allow the Democrats to improve their results in the House of Representatives, or, in the best possible outcome, allow them to retake the House entirely.
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/9/2016 21:03:46

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
The Democratic vote is always stronger in presidential years

Nope. Clinton lost because the Democratic vote was weak this year. Trump (59.5) slightly underperformed compared to both McCain (60M) and Romney (61M). Problem is, Clinton (59.7) drastically underperformed compared to Obama (69.M and 66M respectively). This election was lost because the Democrats didn't bother showing up while the Republican support stayed relatively steady.
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/9/2016 21:16:43

Level 56
what is this name...
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/9/2016 22:48:24

E Masterpierround
Level 58
@Richard Sharpe

You realize that 2008, 2012, and 2016 are ALL presidential years?

Compare Democratic turnout in 2014 to either 2012 or 2016. My point is that 2020 will be a high point in voter turnout, especially (if Trump continues to be divisive) for Democrats. Furthermore, 2020 is a critical year, as those elected in 2020 will draw the congressional districts for the next decade.
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/9/2016 23:09:40

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
I'm aware. But the Dems didn't turn out this year so what's to say they'll turn out in 2020?
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/9/2016 23:34:28

E Masterpierround
Level 58
Democrats have recently had a tendency to outvote Republicans in presidential years. Also, controversial presidents always drive up voting for the opposition. These two trends combined suggest that if Trump will be as controversial a president as he was a candidate, Democratic turnout in 2020 will be quite high.
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/10/2016 00:29:30

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I think the democrats are going the way of Labor in Britain. If so, this will be interesting.
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/10/2016 01:21:49

Level 36
I think you're misunderstanding politics.

The political sphere in changing, Donald Trump took PA and Wisconsin (and will probably take Michigan) based on job growth. If job growth does happen, he'll probably steal more white dem. votes from the Dems next election.

To be frank, if Donald Trump does even an ok job as Pres, he's practically assured to get re-elected. t doesn't matter how controversial he is.

If he has 4 years without any racism or sexism charges and brings the economy up some, he will get re-elected.

Most Presidents do get re-elected- the last one not to was H W Bush.

Edited 11/10/2016 01:26:12
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/10/2016 09:24:08

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
# topkek
# fuck liberals, damn Capitalists everywhere
# lool
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/10/2016 13:39:16

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/10/2016 16:24:10

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
lol when Wikipedia regards the anti-Trump protests as a kind of civil war between the two parties

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_Donald_Trump with screenshot as of 11/10/2016 17:20 UTC+1 time http://i.imgur.com/V272fJl.png
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/10/2016 18:48:33

{Canidae} Kretoma 
Level 59
That is weird...
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 02:04:31

Level 56
" Now perhaps the Democratic Party will realize that nominating a republican is a losing idea. "

I died laughing
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 03:15:17

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Silver lining for liberals: You'll get to see the importance of limiting government
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 03:48:29

Level 57
^trump will not limit government, he's very authoritarian, maybe not as much as killary, but still
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 03:59:29

Level 56
When anyone says that someone is limiting government yet growing funding and giving more freedom from law for things like fighters, national oborona, and watchmen, I get doubted...
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 13:12:52

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I'm not saying Trump will limit government, I'm saying that the liberals will realize that creating endless power isn't a smart thing when you can lose it in an election to your enemy
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 21:05:17

Level 56
I'm not saying Trump will limit government

others are
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 21:28:16

Belgian Gentleman
Level 57
I'm not saying Trump will limit government

others are
Silver linings for Liberals (US Election): 11/18/2016 22:25:26

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
I'm not saying Trump will limit government

others are
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