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Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 19:37:20

Level 64
Appealing to children

in what way does it appeal to children and not anyone else?
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 19:47:15

Level 61
ah, your first real response! I like it! The upgrade looks childish because of the color combinations and blank text space. I don't need it too like like an ancient faded scroll. I understand that it has been working smoothly on some platforms but for me and many others, it is slow slog, unplayable. When I tested beta, many people talked about how much power it was taking and how slow it was. I don't see a need to have put this out yet because it is no where near completion. it's exactly where it was a year ago. this will all get fixed but the UI looks chunky and most of the layout has been reformatted and doesn't make much sense. its not fluid. old war light was pretty chunky but we got used to it. this is a step backwards
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 19:50:54

Level 61
Also, the old layout was nice for work and outside of work because no one new what you were doing. Now it looks like a silly video game. I don't need my game to look like a game. Chess can be just a bunch of blocks without having to look like horseys and knights and queens. That's not the point of chess.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 19:52:28

Level 58
There was no version to test a year ago. Your ability to track time is terrible.

It's also not power hungry, in the slightest. The webgl version loads slow, but you have a membership and can use the standalone. The standalone is very fast.

As for "I'm mad that my games look like games". That's absurd. The strategic value has not changed, you just seem to have insecurity issues with people thinking you're a kid if you play games I guess. Dunno, you problem either way.

Edited 11/15/2017 19:53:51
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 19:55:40

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
i feel like whatever point someone makes, Bauza just writes same things over and over again, just to keep the posts count increasing :)
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 19:58:47

Level 64
your first real response

not only is that incorrect, I am still waiting for yours.

you didnt even answer the question lol
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 20:11:29

Level 61
I'm sorry, nauzhror, then 8-9 months ago i helped test

Edited 11/15/2017 20:13:01
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 20:12:49

Level 60
Bauza, you need to be very specific. For every complaint, rake a screenshot, paste in paint, grab the pencil tool, and highlight what you don't like, save it, upload it to imgur and post it here.

For example, when you say "most of the layout has been reformatted and doesn't make much sense"

What doesn't make sense?
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 20:13:33

Level 64
Or you can use photoshop. Like an adult.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 20:22:57

Level 61
The green borders are distracting. The ancient scroll text box with yellow and black fonts are difficult to read. The players box looks like a bunch of clutter with black font for team name over a beige background with another yellow font for lvl number. Different shades of green for text chat box and then another shade of blue for group chat. the modify orders box has just an ugly combination of colors, another different brighter green and yellow and red. I feel like i could go on and on. There are too many distracting color combinations that don't have cohesion. it looks like it's trying to be a cartoon rather than an interface. These colors don't even go together well. too many shades of yellow, green and blue over black and beige. also, there are too many icons that are supposed to represent things that really don't need to have a cartoony image. Go for minimalism! you can't really even tell what the icons are because they've gotten so small and adding color to them isn't really helping.

Edited 11/15/2017 20:25:50
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 21:16:17

Level 62
To be fair Bauza, He's working on the issues. You've wasted more money buying sweeties to turn you into a hyper annoying little child that types "LOLOLOLOLOL" then buying a 15$ membership at the time you bought it. If you can't appreciate the art of Indie gaming then you can go and pay 60$ for overpriced console game.

That's where I think you are just being a ungrateful jackass here.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 21:24:49

Level 58
Memberships were $30, not $15. Doesn't change the overall point though.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 21:29:18

Level 56
bauza you could have made something of a good point but instead you succumbed to bane's childish trolling.

When the revolution comes and Mercer's regime beheads Fizzer, Bane and other Fizzeronian pawns will be next to be beheaded!
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 22:35:27

Level 64
Gonna ask the question again:

in what way does it appeal to children and not anyone else?
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 22:36:57

Level 60
Bauza that was better but i dont see any screenshots and possibly how you'd make it better
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/16/2017 04:55:34

Level 61
ViralGoat, I don't have an IMGUR account the moment. I see if I can set one up one quick to help elucidate. To simplify what I'm saying, it would be that colors and icons or buttons are not cohesive. Images and text blend together into the background and it's hard to see what is what. There is a point when some of the icons are so small that it's just pointless to try to put them there. Such as, trying to show that you have cards by displaying each and every card. But it's so small that it's just more clutter to look at. In the players box, the ancient scroll text box is beige with yellow and black font with a icon that supposed to show that you haven't committed yet. I have good eyes and I have to squint to see what's going on. It used to be so easy to see. Basically, what's the point of showing all this if you can't easily see what it is. It's jamming too many things in. It's trying to do everything when it was better before. If you want to jam some more things in then try to keep you colors and shapes to a minimum and have distinct edges. There are at least 4 different shades of blues and greens and it starts building up and making unintuitive UI. I think what they wanted to do was make everything intuitive by trying to put everything in there but it's just messy. The best analogy is the name change. I mean, they have to keep war light 2 next to Warzone so that people understand what's going on. The game itself is virtually the same, but they are just trying to overdo something so that it looks more attractive but looks like a mess. It's a newer package, the kind you need scissors and teeth to open. But then you find out that it's the same thing inside and only uglier. It's a huge disappointment, especially waiting since March for it to happen. I pay money for membership and coins to play. I would donate but they don't have anything like that so I use coin games as my donation. I don't play that seriously to try to make money. I support what fizzer does. I understand flash sucks and will die soon. But it was pretty disappointing to see this as the 2.0. It's the same thing but made to look like a toy...... This is my opinion and no one has to listen. I don't talk much on forums but want to voice my opinion on something I think is great taking a turn in the wrong direction. It can go wherever it likes and I will to. But I want to try to at least steer it away from death. The subject of my thread was also an indicator of a problem. I don't see as many people on here starting from the first day of the launch. It seems that traffic has gone down. I have been playing less games and so have some of my friends.

Edited 11/16/2017 05:03:18
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/16/2017 05:02:41

Level 64
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/16/2017 05:05:02

Level 60
ViralGoat, I don't have an IMGUR account the moment

Note that you don't need an account to upload to imgur. Just hit new post, and drag a file into it.

I have been playing less games and so have some of my friends.

I have played more, and so have some of my friends. When it comes to the actual impact, only Fizzer has the raw numbers. Best not to speculate.

Edited 11/16/2017 05:07:04
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/16/2017 16:11:45

Level 61
I uploaded a few images to Imgur, but I'm not getting it to work. I'll look into again later. But I can actually see that there are less open games being made. That's just a fact. For three days I've noticed a decrease in open realtime games. Getting pretty bored of being attacked instead of people trying to explain how warzone is better. Any changes could have been applied to the old version. The changes made to Warlight with a new look and feel is what I'm talking about. It looks bad and it feels bad and plays bad. I anticipate Bane's trolling and helping keep this thread at the top. Just look at the players box from both versions. And then explain to me how it's better.....

Edited 11/16/2017 16:26:24
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/16/2017 16:37:45

Level 61
I'm done posting in the thread :) finally right!? I don't think I can convince iPhone users that taking away the headphone jack is not an improvement.
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