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Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:35:09

Level 61
Kyte, we also have no games in common, so it looks like you play a bunch of bad maps and encourage WarLight into it's demise
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:36:36

Level 59
Yeah I only play lotteries. I think this update has really made lotteries more fun again tbh.

I take it you only play large diplomacies? This update has been terrible for them.

Edited 11/15/2017 06:36:56
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:37:31

Level 61
I still haven't had a single person try to explain how the upgrade was an improvement, only to tell me to shut up.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:38:22

Level 61
Lol, I don't play large diplomacies which also shows how little you know of this game.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:39:15

Level 59
It wasn't an improvement, on many fronts. I'm not telling you to shut up.

I'm telling you to:

a) be more specific about what sucks

b) comment that in Fizzer's thread

I have a lot of complaints about this change too. But if I'm the only one bringing them up, Fizzer will probably miss them. So throw in your complaints on the feedback thread, and try a little bit so that there's actual information in them.

Basically, instead of commenting "this is really stupid" in a thread that people are only in for kicks (this one), try commenting "[specific thing] is really stupid because [specific reasons] and I'm amazed that you didn't figure this out earlier" in the feedback thread where Fizzer will at least read and probably respond to your stuff.

Edited 11/15/2017 06:40:23
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:41:38

Level 42
I'm confused, what does my account being new have to do with you being wrong?

I'd ask you to explain it to me, but I don't tend to follow the logic of arguments laid forth by players with under 1800 elo very well.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:42:36

Level 59
SHtu up UberElite ur a n00b & the eXact kind of pErsOn that Fizzer made WARZONE for

yOU are the CANCER detroying this community

i am LEAVING this site bcause WARZONE update is absolute tErriBLE!


Edited 11/15/2017 06:44:23
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:44:18

Level 61
NO ONE IS POINTING OUT WHAT IS GOOD. From my perspective, this has been a massive overhaul failure. The new UI doesn't work on any platform well and looks terrible. The name has been changed for the worse. So what are you saying is oK?????
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 06:45:04

Level 59
I think you're missing the part where people- including Fizzer- generally agree with you and are working to fix things.

TheUberElite = Nauzhror, a guy with 6 lifetime memberships and a clan. I've also been around for 5 years or so. Nauz also sometimes has trouble finding QuickMatch opponents when he disallows Small Earth Auto Dist and other templates. I think the UI color scheme doesn't really work out, and profiles/etc. are pretty broken right now. People have those concerns, have articulated them, and gotten responses- including changes to the site.

Fizzer is already working to fix stuff that's broken with the update. So it's a waste of time to criticize him when we can instead help him identify what isn't working.

Basically, instead of wasting your time here where we'll probably just wonder if you're stupid or just baiting us, you can go to the feedback thread (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/286064-seeking-feedback?Offset=60) and write your specific complaints there.

Imagine you're a chef and you just made something that you think would taste delicious but people aren't enjoying it. If all they tell you is "it tastes terrible," you won't know what to change the next time. But if they tell you that it's got too much salt or that the chicken is undercooked and probably just gave them salmonella, you at least have something to start with. So, since you probably have a good number of complaints, it would help Fizzer and Warzone a ton if you actually listed them out in a productive way. I'm just trying to help you help the game.

The thing is that lots of people agree with you and you don't seem to realize that, instead just attacking everyone like a five-year-old who just tried cocaine for the first time.

Edited 11/15/2017 06:54:32
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 07:08:34

Level 61
Nope, I don't see enough criticism and I have been very specific in what doesn't work.

1. UI camouflage background looks kindergarten
2. Unity, which I used as a beta a year ago, sucks, it's slow and requires massive power. That was a year ago.
3. The name change is childish and even less palatable than Warlight. Warlight is stupid, warzone is even stupider
4. I'm only still playing because I have the option to use flash. I would actually stop playing after 7 years if I was expected to use unity
5. I don't see any improvements and all changes seem to be a way to finally sell out so that fizzer can sell the company
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 08:02:55

Level 64
requires massive power.

Is your computer also from 2010?
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 08:03:41

Level 50
You're not being specific. You're being immature. There's a massive difference.

1.) "Kindergarten" is not a description. What do you dislike about the UI, what would you change about it.What are your recommended colors?

2.) Much like you did not create your Warlight account 10 years ago, you did not play Warlight in Unity a year ago. Exaggerating to try and bolster your argument only weakens it.

The standalone unity client, the only thing you could have used before yesterday, is neither slow, nor power hungry. It takes me less than a second to load on all three laptops I own, a i7-4700HQ, a i7-7820HK, and an ancient P8400. If it loads in a second on an ancient P8400 (2.26 GHz Core 2 Duo from 2008), then it loads on anything anyone should be using, the computer might as well be a toaster.

3. Completely subjective. The name was also announced years ago. Note that my account is 2+ years old and was not recently renamed.

If you thought the name was bad you've had 2-3 years to say so.

4. Flash is dying, it's a deprecated standard that browsers are phasing out.

5. Complete nonsense. The pages load faster now, you can see teammates orders without having to manually click to view them. Games with large maps are much faster to watch and play. QuickMatch is a much better way to get decent games vs. opponents of like skill. Turns play out faster, so choosing watch turn doesn't eat most of your allotted time.

Anyone that claims there are no improvements is trying to find reasons to bitch as opposed to being objective.

Edited 11/15/2017 08:05:17
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 08:09:27

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
10/10 Good Read.

I have many gripes with WarZone right now, but overall it will get better.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 08:31:45

Level 63
May I remind you about rule 1 - be respectful to players at all times?
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 08:33:57

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
Rule #2 - Don't enforce the rules
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 09:32:15

Level 14
Your opinion holds no value Bauza, because you, like Japanball, are a shitty player.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 11:24:13

Level 59
The only children I see are people like you Bauza.
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 11:50:00

Level 63
Kyte, we also have no games in common, so it looks like you play a bunch of bad maps and encourage WarLight into it's demise

Is this a way to determine things now? Cause I dont have any games in common with you Bauza. Yet I've been playing since 2011. Have been on the ladders since 2013 and been participating in loads of community events. The ladders use the standard strategic templates and the community events use the best templates according to the strat community.

If I've never played a game with you it looks like you play a bunch of bad maps and encourage WarLight into it's demise!
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 11:51:23

Level 59
Rule #3 - You do not talk about fight club.

@Bane, Since when changing name and a little cover-art work actually increases playerbase? Do you got some real-life examples other than fancy story? It only draws attention for short period of time and then we are back to old constant playerbase. I think I am one of the most interested person at moment to see if Warlight 2.0 does bring any actual increase in player-base. My hypothesis is, there is no significant growth. Or if, it it just short-time curiosity from old players. Thus far there has been past years around 13 000 registered accounts per month.

@Bauza, Thats the problem of huge customization games, everyone ones their settings to be played. I am no different from others in that point. And as a player I feel as well what Fizzer is doing is not beneficial to me. But if I would be developing the game I would do pretty much same things - because the fact is, too few players playing, too few spending money here. He has to balance profit and ideal-game concept. Introducing quick-match with coin-wager is good move towards it. The Unity itself is good, so much faster and dynamic and yes the art-works is crap, but thats so subjective. I just want to play the game without fancy art-work. But toddles need bling, constant feedback from game etc. And they are eager to use mommy credit card to buy the black colour :P. Rational people would not do that probably.

The quickmatch seems to be success, at least has huge potential in my mind. But from my personal game-play, I won´t be able to play 1d6h multi-day if it ain´t 3 days minimum, preferably even 4 day, I wont be able to play it. And once we start voting, suggesting templates it community run in large scale... and we all know how democracy works.

Edited 11/15/2017 11:53:55
Is it me or are people not playing today?: 11/15/2017 11:51:36

Sakata Gintoki
Level 58
This dude needs to understand that Fizzer is taking feedback and given the snap shot of too much cpu usage for unity on browser, he said he will improve that.
And looks like he is searching for solutions already and he said he will come to ui after serious problems are solved and is ready to change the colors too.

What I see is some player, who thinks he can spam his jokes that war zone is going to die or stuff like that,with nothing constructive to offer.

Seeing how good you're at maths in calculating how many years you're playing warlight, I think you're just blowing steam out because you can't farm! !
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