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Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 05:48:22

Level 54
But... if I don't tell myself I'm not the warmonger they say I am, and that I'm just an awesome, freedom-loving romantic, then ... then I'd cry myself to sleep! No! I refuse to not lie to myself!
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:18:52

Level 35

Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:23:03

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Lawlz are you back on the drugs you went to rehab for? You're a fucking idiot.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:28:20

The National Socialist
Level 54
You're a fucking idiot, I went to a rehabilitation center for suicide.

@Mysterytroll, its more like this

Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:31:58

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
I'm not going to make the keyboard warrior suggestions you shouldn't have gone to rehab. But you know nothing about Nazism or it's legacy. The Holocaust didnt even just include Jews.

Explain the mass graves found. Explain documents detailing plans of various killing methods including concentration camps. Explain the concentration camps. Explain Jews missing. Explain Slavs missing.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:33:54

The National Socialist
Level 54
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:38:02

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
He unified the country, provided jobs and opportunities for thousands of people

He unified the country under oppression and expectation to conform. His jobs and opportunities were farces, preparing Germany for war with cheap labour. None of the created jobs were sustainable; even then people only worked on a job for a few months.

His war machine was responsible for some of the greatest advances in technology and science the world has ever seen.

This isn't a good thing you dickhead. More weapons is never good. The atomic bomb was an American creation (with German scientists :D), yet was a desalted for humanity.

I'll stop here. It's clear you're fishing for attention. I'd advise others not to give you it.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:43:24

{rp} eisenheim
Level 57
'He unified the country, provided jobs and opportunities for thousands of people, and gave the country hope for a return to glory after the farce that was its economy' (following the Treaty of Versailles)

Hitler did not 'unify' the country. During the golden age under Stresemann, Weimar Germany curbed most of its internal problems and their economy flourished as did their arts. Versailles was a big mistake but that wasn't what lead to Hitler's rise. It was the Great Depression caused by the 1929 Wall Street Crash. The vote results for the Reichstag Elections show the connection. By 1933 German unemployment was in the 4 - 6 million range so 'thousands of people' is a small drop in the ocean is it not ?

'stopping communism from gaining power'

He failed miserably at that didn't he ? Or do you not know of the GDR ?

Your comments Lawlz or whats your name now would make Goebbels proud. At least research before you make connections that can be easily disputed. Denying a genocide ever occurred is however a lot worse. Look into Nazism, their race ideology and their aims during the war.

Edited 9/30/2014 06:49:56
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 06:45:17

The National Socialist
Level 54
Jews are wrong
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 08:35:39

Level 48
Gay nazis are too mainstream nowadays...but still shocking.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 11:20:03

Level 59
So what exactly is your point here? State your opinion instead of quoting dodgy sources.

"The largest number died in Greater German Empire administrated detention centres due to starvation, disease (particularly typhus) and exposure to the weather."

So what this is evidence that the Holocaust is a hoax?

Do you think this wasn't deliberate?

Do you think the Nazis were just like "Oh shit! Forgot to feed the Jews today!", you think they were weren't knowingly exposed to such dreadful living conditions that disease was likely to be rampant?

Please...Holocaust deniers are boring now, if you're going to spew stupidity at least make it original stupidity. Why don't you try denying something else?

Like Scottish referendum deniers? Now that would be interesting, "Westminster rigged the whole thing". "Not a single Scot went to a polling station that day, they just thought they did, the PM implanted false memories in them"
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 12:21:04

Level 55
We didnt done nothing rone after we had been benish to the rest of the world we supported every country we been in like every man will do to his country nazisam is the worse thing that happend to humanity racisam dictatorship killing ppl for no reason not only 6 million jews i'm talking about 25 million russians!!!!!! racisam is the most foolish act of a person and nazisam show it perfectly i'm proud to be a jew i'm proud we have stoped nazisam our ppl was hunted all over the world racisam will never end....
no not on jews....ppl hate us becuse we been benished to thier land or we protact our little nation which rised again after 3000 years and still attacked racisam and wars will never end to my ppl but i still belive in humanity we can still change ourself we can be bettar and foolish idiots like the one who opened this chat block us from the balance of order so i beg u ppl do not hate anyone!!!!! except the ppl who worked thier life hateing and hurting the others

may the world will be peacefull again and without nazis..........
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 13:33:33

Level 54
Cue Israel-Palestine debate.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 13:48:38

{rp} eisenheim
Level 57
I am highly tempted to take the bait. But why stir a debate regarding Israel-Palestine ? The views each person holds would be too dear to them and it would be a ceaseless debate with no practical outcome.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 15:02:59

Level 63
there are no views here, just an attention whore.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 15:05:23

Level 54

We had this discussion. Arguing with Darkness is as fruitless as it is with Lawlz. They are both a different side of the same stupidity.

Edited 9/30/2014 15:05:35
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 15:59:37

Level 57
What the bullshit? There is clear evidence that acts of genocide against the Jews.
Do you think it makes sense that all that many Jews, said exactly what other Ahrimbmdinot Jews say?
So all dreamers right? Yes it is a fact that the camps but there are people like you who look at the facts.
Even their nonideology They say it's better to kill the Jews, Germans have photographed images to show the world the "new" with their pictures on extinct.
And it surprise you that we will be Jewish nationalism? What other reason could cause us to want a state? Or maybe the knowledge that no country will always be synonymous with.
And all those who spoke it was in the past in WWII so do not bother me.
The Jews did not believe that Germany bartender "enlightened" would carry out genocide like that ...
So maybe think from a different perspective and will be flown to the mouth, right economy helped to Germany, but he was a mean and cruel person and say he was a good man it is disgusting.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 16:24:35

Ⓖ. Ⓐrun 
Level 57
Guys Lawlz just fishes for attention. He has no beliefs of his own just spews shit to troll and get the attention he misses at home. Let's stop feeding this troll.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 16:47:43

Level 55
Pathetic. Go read a book.
Don't lie to yourselves: 9/30/2014 19:59:52

Level 63
^like narnia, lots of arian kids hang out with lion-jesus
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