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Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 05:19:38

Master Jz 
Level 62
I don't like blacklisting, but I will blacklist for the usual (racist/sexist/homophobic slurs). I also blacklist people who intentionally rig games in their favor and don't tell people they're rigged.

Being slow or making me eliminate someone rarely results in blacklisting. The exception is if it's clearly excessive, looks intentional, and they are holding up an entire tournament or a large game.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 05:48:19

Level 49
delaying a won game, and playing a game instead of surrendering are two different things.

doing things like bulking up and running around for another 10 turns, putting your orders in seconds away from the deadline... that's delaying a game...
playing another 5-10 turns because you think you still have a chance.. that's okay.

making a game that should of ended after 20 minutes lasting 2 hours is what most rational people blacklist for... if they're the type to BL for delaying.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 05:49:49

Level 49
Personally, I hardly ever blacklist anyone, for the usual severe reasons that've been mentioned throughout this post.. (racist/sexist/homophobic slurs/etc.)
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 05:53:27

Level 49
"What if the player who is winning doesn't move in time and gets booted? I've seen it happen before and people win because they didn't give up. It's like Rudy eventually making the squad at Notre Dame."

Winning by boot isn't really winning...
it counts on your record, yes...
but if you *have* to win by booting... and if you would rather delay a game for that, instead of just starting another real game... you're already a loser.

I, personally, Apologize, to people that I have to beat by booting.. and have even given 2-3X the boot time, *outside of the old inner circle, which has near unlimited boot times* on Multiday games, because I'd rather win for real than be forced to boot...

But some people are like you, and that can't be helped.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 05:58:11

Level 61
There's no universal convention for blacklisting. It depends person to person what you perceive as a blacklist-worthy action.

I think blacklisting is a great convention because, on the occasion that I am seriously frustrated with a game, you can blacklist them as a way to take out some of that anger without offending anyone. Also, chances are that you will never see that player again because the WL community is significantly big, so don't get to worried about this convention.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 06:07:58

Level 58
I blacklist trolls who ruin my game experience, Actively work to destroy games I'm in or insult people for no actual reason
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 13:19:24

Level 62
So your saying that you just avoid your problems, instead of facing them? Great life strategy...
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 14:20:11

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
Pooncrew, you win by mass booting. Your a time player. I doubt you have actually are that skilled. Your "team" appears to be no more than a bunch of quick players who boot one second after time.

I for one agree with Alias09.

Also, Poon, its called, "Play by the rules of the game that i made, or you will never play in one of my games again."

Players who break game rule should be blacklisted.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 14:36:12

Level 62
Tyrion my clan likes their games to not take a month to finish. 3 day boot times are ridiculous. We create our games with a disclaimer saying Boot times are strictly enforced. I mean our, real time games are actually titled "Really Fast Game", and they of course have the disclaimer to further warn them of our boot times.
And to anyone who says we just play fast i say to them, whats more strategic then picking the best move in a fast period of time? It just adds another level of challenge.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 14:42:34

Level 61
honestly poon is right. It takes way more skill to play fast games. You have less time to think and you have to know the best strategic move right away. Basically you have to be a human version of the analyzer tool.

But more importantly, the games all tell you what the boot times are before you join. Why would anyone join a game knowing they couldn't play in that advertised time?
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 14:45:27

Level 59
well, when you're talking about multi-day games, some people have lives. i work for 8 1/2 hours a day, so if i was in one of your games and took my turn before going to sleep and you took your turn right after that, then i woke up and didn't have time to check the game before going to work (a million reasons why this can happen, and all adults will understand this), then i lose the game.

it sounds like you don't really have that much fun PLAYING the game, but get a real kick out of the win screen after the game is over.

and btw, most of my ladder games finish in a week or less.

edit: i would read the settings and choose not to play your game. joining and then complaining about the settings is pointless.

Edited 2/12/2015 14:47:15
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 14:52:17

Level 59
i mean, if that is how you want to play your games, fine, but don't come on here bragging about your clan record, because i honestly can't see very many people being able to keep up with a 12 hour auto-boot in a multi-day game. can you tell us how many of your wins are due to the other player getting booted?
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 14:56:06

Level 62
My response to that shyb is that queef and i both work over 40 hours a week. I usually sleep 8 hours a night. I have a dog and a home to take care of and yet i can take my turn in time, so if i can find time to play anyone can. I mean we have a guy in our clan who is in the military, where he doesnt have access to his phone for hours on end and travels constantly, yet he never gets booted. So its a matter of dedication really. Some people got it, most just complain and bitch about how the settings werent fair because unfortunately no one is mature enough to read the description and rules
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 15:09:40

Level 61
I'd recommend setting up push notifications on your phone. Usually I catch up on my games during my lunch break and if I forget, the push notifications remind me to check in.

I'm glad you agree on checking the settings though. Nothing infuriates me more than sore losers who get kicked and then complain cause they didn't take 5 seconds to look under the game name and see what the turn times are
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 15:23:50

Level 59
i definitely agree people should read the settings and be mature enough to understand that if someone has the power to boot it's not wrong or unsportsmanlike to use it.

i assume you guys are probably more responsible adults than me. my excuse for not being able to check my turns in the morning would be hitting the snooze too many times and just barely having enough time to put on my pants and run to work.

but my other point about booting stands. i just don't understand how it could be fun to win a game by booting. i have done it before and i get no satisfaction out of it. if i am in a tight contest with an opponent of seeming equal skill, i want that game decided by skill alone. i would be deeply disappointed if, in a close game, the other person doesn't take their turn for 5 days (i would probably give them this long) and i have to boot them. to me it's a cheap win. and i wouldn't personally be proud of myself if i was able to "outsmart" the other guy by being able to survive long enough to boot him when something came up that prevented him from taking his turn.

if you play a map and settings enough you know when a game is won or lost and when a person is stalling. i usually don't surrender too soon, cause a mental mistake can start a comeback, but i know when it is totally hopeless and i surrender and say GG, cause i would want the other person to do the same for me.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 15:26:44

Level 59
ya, my phone is a flip phone, i'm weirded out by carrying around the internet with me. and my lunch break is used exclusively for calming down and not murdering people.

and thanks for not calling me a jabroni.

Edited 2/12/2015 15:28:26
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 15:37:16

Level 62
Blacklisting is a tool that any player can use for whatever reasons they want. It allows us to have some control over the players we encounter here, and the reasons for blacklisting are entirely up to the individual.

That being said, winning an otherwise lost game by booting is a particularly slimy way to get a win. QueefBalls, I'm pretty tempted to blacklist you just for thinking that it's ok. Some of these maps are huge and take progressively more time to play when you're winning. Some of us have lives outside of Warlight and life events that can prevent us from completing turns on time. Holding out on a hopeless games until the other player fails to move for whatever reason is just plain low, and I don't want to play with anyone who would do that.

Refusing to surrender is any player's prerogative, and so is blacklisting.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 15:38:29

Level 57
The whole truth why people dont like to play against poon squad: You regularlly set up new games that looks interesting but typically require 3-4 teams with usually around 5-6 players each. So if sb wants to play against you, he will end up in a team consisting of 5-6 random players against your crew. And in that setting, there is almost 100% that sb from that random team will get booted, and this will drastically lower the chances for that team to win. To make thing easier, pooncrew set up games tht
a) haveshort booting times
b) the booted/surrendered players dont turn into AI
c) there are no filters for players with too big beeing booted ratio. here is the example:


What is more, i once played wity your squad in a simillar game, it was my 2nd multiplayer warlight game. And after first 2 rounds of it I was quite content, as I thought that we have a big chance to win, but then one stupid count from my team just got booted and blocked vital bonus with her forces as they turned into wasteland (typical poon strategy of no AI) and the match was surely lost for us. Therfore I asked our brave opponents to end that match by forcing the draw, and they of course reacted as if I was insane, and definately rejected. And when I pointed that this is unfair and that this is validating the rules of fair competition they have replied that they are sorry but they are "PLOWING" the points ("some of us are here to plow")

So I decided i dont want to play with such a LOOSERS anymore and i blacklisted one of them (qeefballs?)

here is the link to the game


Summing up - pooncrew is not playing warlight, instead they are FARMING points by setting games that lead to their victory due to booting other players. That is silly an I am glad taht they have problems with louruing players into their games.

Edited 2/12/2015 15:45:10
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 15:58:00

Level 61
There's an easy solution to your problem. Find players you trust and tell them to join the game with you. Not that hard.

It's also not that hard to take your turn in time (it's like the only rule of Warlight) so if you join a game, can't follow the rules, and get booted, whether direct or auto, that's nobody's problem but your own.

There have been quite a few times where I've been booted from my own games (most of which I was winning) due to my phone dying or oversleeping on the weekend. But I don't bitch and moan. I don't blacklist the player who booted me. I chalk it up as a loss and move on cause I'm not a child.
Blacklisting: 2/12/2015 16:04:12

Level 62
I cant stress this enough i get no satisfaction, from booting. Well i do when i boot whiny complainers like you Kain. As far as your comments about "farming for points". I could care less about points and levels, warlight even says they dont mean anything. All me and my clan wants is a gsme that doesnt last a month. So we create a game that provides us with settings to accomplish that. Do people get booted? Yes. But how many games, that i didnt create in warlight, do people get booted. I would say close to 100%. So i dont want to hear it.

Also, we have plenty of close games, because sometimes people actually follow the rules and take their turns in time. And, i have tried setting up the game restrictions but it doesnt work because A the games take forever to fill up and B if the game does start, which they rarely do, people still get booted.

Edited 2/12/2015 16:05:29
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