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The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 14:44:15

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
No, the origin of Judaism and Christianity is Islam, but the purity of those religions were tarnished by men.
The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 14:57:15

US Army
Level 11
The origins of Islam is Judaism it was the last religion out of those three to be founded in the 7th century by the prophet Muhammad, Muslims do believe that the early profits all had venerated in the Quran but the other two religions are not based off of Islam. And your bigotry have everything to do with this post as it is ever evident in your post. And yes lucid thats what i was saying if i had miss-communicated i apoogize.
The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 15:29:56

Level 54
I proble misread.

But from my religious view point Everything branched from Judaism. Islam came from Ishmael who was exiled but God promised Abraham his sons would make great kingdoms. So Ishmael founded Islam.

Also Colonial you believe the earth doesn't spin correct?
The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 15:42:58

Level 58
The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 15:47:19

Level 58
from my religious view point:
"A lot of the stories in the Old Testament are in fact plagiarized material, particularly from the rich mythical heritage of the Sumerians – the inventors of writing. The story of Noah and the flood, the creation of man out of clay, Cain and Abel, the gardens of Eden, the tree of knowledge, creation of Eve from Adams rib, and numerous other myths, like the throwing of Moses after he was born in the river, are all but stories found recorded on Sumerian clay tablets dating 5000 years back in time"
The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 18:27:32

Level 54
Or sumerians pagerized the truth. Lollolllll and I like the meme.

Edited 4/4/2015 18:27:46
The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 19:33:28

Level 58
if by "the truth" you mean the bible, i invite you to check the periode when the Bible was written, and compare it to the age of the sumerians tablets. It might give you a clue to who plagerized who...just a thought
The Sword of Boguses: 4/4/2015 22:43:50

Level 54
So... the Sumerians were right and knew it all along!

Praise Enki, Enlil, An, and the rest of the bunch! PRAISE THEM!
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 05:49:18

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
How do you know which is myth and which is God's word if it was edited?

The answer is: the Quran! God knew that the bible had been edited (obviously, God knows everything), so he sent down a new book called the quran. It's logic.

Also, the quran can never be changed, because the quran isn't just a book, it has been memorised and passed down through the generations in both book and physical form so that if anyone decides to destroy Islam, they won't be able to. I think probably about half of all Muslims in the whole world know the quran by memory.
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 09:09:00

Level 41
"Well obviously god sent this book, we can totally prove it, with Faith!"
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 10:13:57

Level 58
I think probably about half of all Muslims in the whole world know the quran by memory

sure, too bad only 15-20% of muslims actually speaks arabic
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 11:15:30

Level 58
if by "the truth" you mean the bible, i invite you to check the periode when the Bible was written, and compare it to the age of the sumerians tablets. It might give you a clue to who plagerized who...just a thought

Although there are minor differences in the calculations of various biblical scholars (How to count first year of the kings, Starting point of 430 years sojourn,...) the flood usually gets dated about 2350 BC and Moses about 1500 BC who wrote Genesis. Unlike some "online gaming forum bible critics" who believe they have a deep bible understanding after reading some bible critical online blogs I certainly won't make a similar fool out of myself by faking a deeper knowledge about Summerian artifacts. However if there truly was a flood that wiped away all of mankind, except one family, then it's natural that there was some knowledge about this event in the generations after. This is in total compliant with the first books of the bible (Job, Moses 1-5) where there certainly was some true knowledge about god beyond the descendants of Abraham.
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 12:32:32

Level 58
Sure Norman, great sarcasm. You say "generations after", but if the dating is correct, the bible flood probably happened after the sumerians, and Moses surely lived after the sumerians.
I don't have a deap understanding of the bible because there is no "deep understanding" of the bible. It is just child stories. Scientists have dissmisted the possibility that this great flood you are talking about ever happened. So i guess everything is compliant with the bible...exept science.
Believing in this great flood means that you believe in creationism, meaning that you denie the work scientists have done over centuries because of faith, meaning that you are an fool and a disgrace to humanity.
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 12:36:55

Hera (EW)
Level 59
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 12:40:32

Level 41
Ha norman, I used to be a devoted christian, so jokes on you.
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 13:55:16

Level 58
Believing in this great flood means that you believe in creationism, meaning that you denie the work scientists have done over centuries because of faith, meaning that you are an fool and a disgrace to humanity.

As I said I won't make any dumb statements about fields of science on which I have no / very limited knowledge. All I know is that stuff never is that easy and clear as it gets presented to the broad public. When you take a closer look you often find out that there is very little true evidence and much speculation (Paleontologists reconstructing a whole dinosaur out of a couple of bones,...).

Since I have a degree as a computer scientist I can assure you that coming from this direction believing in evolution out of nothing is outrageous foolishness. I have spent probably a couple hundred hours trying to create a reasonable WarLight bot for the second AI challenge. With sheer brute force my bot Minimaxes through the picking stage making an unbelievable amount of calculations per second. Still my bot would never beat me in a game and my brain wasn't even explicitly designed to play WarLight. Nobody understands how the "greatest computer ever" works, I believe it's a complex self organized system far more powerful than the sum of it's parts. My own little attempts to create something "intelligent" let me stand in awe before the creator.

Because it fits so well between this evolution discussion and the other thread about sexual immorality I can't resist to quote the bible:

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Edited 4/5/2015 14:38:03
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 14:46:26

Level 58
When you take a closer look you often find out that there is very little true evidence and much speculation (Paleontologists reconstructing a whole dinosaur out of a couple of bones,...).

On the contrary, when you take a closer look, you find overwhelming evidence for the theory of evolution. Really, i can't do the work for you, but it is often more convenient for religious people to not take a closer look at things, because it might contradict their beliefs. The only reason people denies evolution is because of faith, blind beliefs in some supernatural stuff. There is no rational argument against evolution, there is no debate, you are either ignorant/delusional on the matter, or you are not. Read a book, go to a museum, anything.

By the way, since you talk about dinosaurs, how do you explain their bones? Do you go with the global scientists conspiracy about how the dinosaurs never existed and it is all a scam? or do you go by with Ken Ham view on the matter, wich is that dinosaurs and human coexisted, and of course men domesticated them?
Funny that the bible doesn't mentions dinosaur tho, one might think that a big fking animal like that might deserve a line or 2 in the holy book, but what do i know.
Maybe it has to do with the fact that science hadn't discovered the fossils of dinosaurs at the time....just a theory.

believing in evolution out of nothing is outrageous foolishness

What does that even mean? Evolution is a scientific fact, it is observable in a lab. You don't "believe" in evolution, you denie it or understand/accept it. Either way it is happening.

As for you bible quote, it is the usual bullshit about how non believers are going to hell, about how human are pathetic sinners unworthy of anything, how humans should be ashamed of themselves just for being humans, etc.
The only thing it got right is the "invisible qualities" of god, because god surely seems to be
jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak;
a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser;
a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

Richard Dawkins, the god delusion

Edited 4/5/2015 14:47:59
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 15:27:12

Level 58
Funny that the bible doesn't mentions dinosaur tho, one might think that a big fking animal like that might deserve a line or 2 in the holy book, but what do i know.

You are shooting bold statements out of your hip against a book that you don't know at all.
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 15:55:32

Level 58
hahaha really? the "Behemoth" and the "Leviathan" are in fact dinosaurs? that's hilarious, and it actually answers the question of whether you think human and dinosaurs coexisted, giving science the big middle finger about how dinosaurs were extinct millions years ago, but whatever...
Lets compare the bible description of Leviathan to description of dinosaurs:
- Has glowing eyes “like rays of the dawn” (Job 41.18)
- "Breathes fire" (Job 41.19-21)
- Has multiple heads (Ps. 74.14 “[God] You crushed the heads [plural] of Leviathan [singular]”)
- Will be destroyed by God at the eschaton (Isaiah 27.1 “In that day the LORD…will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent, and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea.”)

So......according to the Bible, the Leviathan is still around! watch your back!

Leviathan and Behemoth, in the Bible, were clearly single mythical monsters created by god when he created the earth, stop making a fool of yourself
The Sword of Boguses: 4/5/2015 16:07:39

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
The theory of evolution is what it says on the tin: a theory.


noun the·o·ry \ˈthē-ə-rē, ˈthir-ē\

: an idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events

: an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true
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