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Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/25/2015 05:00:11

Level 64
Given how XS' status in Group B is not clear(and if One! gets to replace them), the third place may end up being a promotion spot.

So definitely all to play for!

Edited 11/25/2015 05:00:26
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/26/2015 17:13:09

Level 57
101st is looking more and more likely to finish 3rd.
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/26/2015 20:03:39

Level 63
#   Clan             Points   Max points   Final Ranking
1.) VIW               161        231          1st-3rd
2.) SNinja            108        195          1st-6th
3.) Stahlgewittern     85        164          1st-6th
4.) 101st              90        148          2nd-6th
5.) LEA                70        151          2nd-7th
6.) FBG                54        117          2nd-7th
7.) Lost Wolves        24         79          5th-7th

Only 2 games have finished since last update.

I'm trying to figure out photos now, but no luck so far. This is supposed to be a graph of the points.

Edited 11/26/2015 20:19:08
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/26/2015 20:10:41

Level 60
Step 1. Take a screnshot of the graph.
Step 2. http://imgur.com/ - upload image -edit/crop it to desire
Step 3. Get a link, and use [ img) URL HERE [/img)

img is in a closed bracket, so replace ) with ]
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/26/2015 20:14:06

Level 64
also if you use imgur, make sure you append ".jpg" (without quotes) to your link, otherwise it won't display correctly
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/26/2015 20:26:49

Level 61
Or right click -> "Copy image URL" and use that link

My suggestion is to use puush instead of imgur http://puush.me/
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/26/2015 21:29:26

Level 57
If 101st Wins their 1v1 + 3v3 games against Stahl we will be 8 Points further ahead of Stahl, With Stahl max points dropping :)

And we're winning our 3v3 Game :)
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/28/2015 18:23:24

Level 63
#   Clan             Points   Max points   Final Ranking
1.) VIW               164        228          1st-2nd
2.) SNinja            108        195          1st-6th
3.) Stahlgewittern     88        164          1st-6th
4.) 101st              90        148          2nd-6th
5.) LEA                70        151          2nd-7th
6.) FBG                54        117          2nd-7th
7.) Lost Wolves        24         76          5th-7th

A couple more 1v1 games finished including the redo between VIW and Lost Wolves. This puts MoOoOoO at a 6-0 tournament win for battle islands! There are only 3 more 1v1 games to go. The one between Metatron from VIW and Bigarmz from SNinja will decide the winner of the Strat ME WR tournament. None of the 2v2 or 3v3 tournaments have a clear winner so far.

The graph show a breakdown of where clans are getting their points from. VIW has been strong everywhere. SNinja has had a strong 1v1 performance. 101st has had a strong 2v2 performance.
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/28/2015 21:14:54

Level 56
one thing to note though is that SNinja has not finished most of their 2vs2 and 3vs3 games yet.

so I am excepting them to fare better compared to the rest, once their games are over.

Edited 11/28/2015 21:15:26
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/30/2015 06:12:26

Master Ree 
Level 58
VIW is guaranteed promotion now no?
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/30/2015 07:04:32

Level 60
@master Ree
no. they need 1 more point
Almost's final ranking place for VIW should have been as 1st-3rd
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/30/2015 07:50:32

Level 56
I guarantee we already have that point :P

(waiting for surrenders)

Edited 11/30/2015 07:51:09
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/30/2015 17:32:53

Master Ree 
Level 58
So I thought at first but since their current points are tied with 3rd place's max, they are guaranteed to be in a tiebreaker.

As it's my understanding, it goes by win percentage after. Which by default makes 1v1 games more important (50% value) and since VIW has a better 1v1 record even if they lose the rest of their games and Stahl wins the rest, they would win the tiebreaker.

EDIT: but like Metatron said, it doesn't really matter as I can confidently assume they will get at least 1 more point (and probably many more)

Edited 11/30/2015 17:34:11
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/30/2015 17:39:16

Level 61
Great chart. thanx for creating.
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 11/30/2015 23:14:24

Level 63
#   Clan             Points   Max points   Final Ranking
1.) VIW               164        228          1st-2nd
2.) SNinja            121        195          1st-5th
3.) Stahlgewittern     88        155          2nd-6th
4.) 101st              95        143          2nd-6th
5.) LEA                77        147          2nd-6th
6.) FBG                54        117          3rd-7th
7.) Lost Wolves        24         69          6th-7th

Alright, this is kind of a big update as quite a few games finished. VIW is now guaranteed promotion as they will finish 1st or 2nd. SNinja has won a few games but VIW is still a safe 1st. 101st is getting closer and closer to that Stalgewittern. At this point, I would say Stalgewittern is ahead, but just barely. LEA is still in position to challenge for 3rd or 4th, but they are falling behind a bit. FBG can now only score 3rd at best. Lost Wolves is has really struggled with the team games and are guaranteed relegation.

Edited 12/2/2015 00:02:45
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 12/1/2015 00:32:32

Level 57
Go 101st! :) 3rd all the way!
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 12/1/2015 05:50:56

Level 59
Way to kick ass VIW!
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 12/1/2015 06:18:27

Level 56
Tiny mistake:

3.) Stahlgewittern 88 155 1st-6th

should be

3.) Stahlgewittern 88 155 2nd-6th
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 12/3/2015 00:14:47

Level 63
#   Clan             Points   Max points   Final Ranking
1.) VIW               164        228          1st-2nd
2.) SNinja            125        195          1st-5th
3.) Stahlgewittern     88        155          2nd-6th
4.) 101st              95        143          2nd-6th
5.) LEA                77        143          2nd-6th
6.) FBG                54        117          3rd-7th
7.) Lost Wolves        24         69          6th-7th

Only 1 game finished since the last update. Only 3 1v1 games left. Here are the team games by 2 clans with the best records so far:
                    #1                #2
2v2 ME              VIW 5-0           SNinja 4-0
2v2 guiroma         VIW 3-0           SNinja 2-0
2v2 europe          101st 5-0         VIW 3-0

3v3 europe SR       VIW 3-0           SNinja 2-1 and LEA 2-1
3v3 europe WR       VIW 3-0           LEA 2-0
Clan League Division C: Official Thread: 12/3/2015 03:45:55

Master Turtle 
Level 62
Keep it up VIW would love to see you back in Group B =)
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