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Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 18:46:12

Level 62
Ugh god shut up Noob smasher, nobody wants to here your complaits on forum etiquette. Who are you to say what people are interested in. Grow up and go back to your lonely miserable life.
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 18:47:28

master of desaster 
Level 66
noob smasher is right. go away with those boring events
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 18:48:01

###NooB SmAsHeR###
Level 55
i can say the same thing about the existance of this thread

Edited 10/29/2015 18:48:30
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 18:53:29

Level 61
The point of the clans forum is to talk about clan stuff so if one clan finds something that works, they can share it with other clans. Sorry for once there's a post that's not "I need a clan to join!"

Grow up guys.
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 18:54:37

Level 61
Learn how to shut up.
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 18:57:23

###NooB SmAsHeR###
Level 55
you really don't look at anything other than "i need a clan to join!" threads do you?
(besides the shitty threads your clanmates made ofc)

guess what?there's not even a single such thread in the latest view of clan forums page
so you missed a lot i guess

Edited 10/29/2015 19:01:09
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 19:03:00

Lolicon love
Level 56
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 19:15:57

Level 61
Well, we all decide what the point of the forum is. There is no direction/rules from Fizzer.

BUT, I agree the point is to post clan posts that are relevant to people who are NOT in your clan. Internal clan events are not newsworthy to other clans. What does that have to do with the rest of us.

Side note - I don't understand how you guys have all these members of the month, inter clan events, time to post on OT forums...yet nobody has time to get their members to join a clan league tournament. Now I have Poon people sending me mail that they are mad they are playing with an AI because their teammates never showed up. I don't blame them for being mad, but I don't understand why the leaders of the clan can't make sure their players join an event they sign them up for.
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 19:37:02

Level 61
Who didn't join clan league? Nobody told me about that
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 20:09:06

Master Ryiro 
Level 63
its your job as a leader to check if someone has joined or not,no one should be required to tell you
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 20:12:44

Level 61
I don't have links to every tournament bozo. I hold my members responsible for joining tournaments, but I have no way of knowing who does and who doesn't if nobody involved gives me that information
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 20:23:44

Master Ryiro 
Level 63
stop making excuses
there's a well organized thread where you can check everything in your group,and also other groups if you want,if you can't even do that,then you could atleast contact the organizers

Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 20:39:48

Level 61
Pooncrew knew because he submitted the lineup. I invited him to the chat game.

And yes, page 1 of that thread states Poons had issues.

The point is that when I make out the lineup for WG, I ask people to rate all the templates so I know what they want to play. Then I fill out the lineup, post it in our WG chat game so everyone knows what they are playing. Then I tell them in said chat to expect an invite to tournaments shortly.

If you did all these things (or Poonsquad in this case since he/she submitted the lineup), then people would know to join without you having to hold their hands.

I also spelled all this out here: https://www.warlight.net/Forum/93697-clan-league-7-preperation-thread (see my 2nd post in there)

Additional comments page 5:
"To clarify, we (usually me) create ALL the tournaments (11 round robins for each division) and invite whoever is provided to me in the given clan lineups. All the clan leader needs to do is make SURE their clan players know an invite will be coming...and that they need to join (and join their clan mate if team format). Nobody will be making games manually (unless someone gets booted off the bat and everyone agrees to a makeup game...we have done that at times), so there isn't any overhead for clan leaders/players. They just need to play and have fun."

I also made a chat game with all the team leaders before making tournaments reminding them it would come soon and to ask for any questions. So, my point is that this is a failure to organize on the clan end, not mine. I spent hours and hours coordinating this, I cannot be held accountable if you lead the horse to water and it does not drink.

Edited 10/29/2015 20:41:23
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 20:45:26

Level 61
I'm saying, the organizers should contact me if they're having an issue with someone in my clan. That's kind of on you when you organize a tournament. Take this tournament for example, I hounded the people who didn't join with chat games, mail, and in game messages until they joined because that's my responsibility as the organizer of the event.
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 20:46:00

Level 61
I wasn't invited to this chat game
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 20:51:51

Level 61
"I'm saying, the organizers should contact me if they're having an issue with someone in my clan. That's kind of on you when you organize a tournament. Take this tournament for example, I hounded the people who didn't join with chat games, mail, and in game messages until they joined because that's my responsibility as the organizer of the event."

BS. If you wanted to be involved, you should have been from the start. Poonsquad sent me mail asking about signing up. Poonsquad sent me their lineup. So naturally, Poonsquad was invited to all communications, along with EVERY player that did not join the tournaments (so at least 4 people in your clan knew for sure). It is not my fault you never made it clear you wanted to be involved in the process. VERY often non-clan leaders run their teams in the league. Benjamin handled his team, not Blortis, for example.

I did hound your members anyway. I sent mail, I made a chat game (because some only play mobile). I gave deadlines and consequences for not joining. There is no way they did not see some form of communication I sent. That is like saying the government is held accountable if someone does not vote, despite sending the ballot. Or that the NBA should had the responsibility for making sure that all players on all teams show up to play every game. That is a junk argument.

Clan leaders should not be signing up people who don't want to play. Take some damn responsibility.

Edited 10/29/2015 20:52:28
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 21:11:19

Level 62
Clan league isn't our livelyhood man. I told everyone to join, what more can I do? Maybe if Chris Cum was more organized things would run more smoothly

Edited 10/29/2015 21:13:18
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 21:19:05

E Masterpierround
Level 58
If you did everything you could, tell QB to blame your own players, not ChrisCMU. It sounds to me like Chris went above and beyond to try to involve your players, but you put players in the clan league who didn't want to be there. Not necessarily a huge problem, though it is a problem. However, Poon Squad's failure to join some parts of the clan league can be blamed on the players who didn't join. If it is not their fault, then the blame rests on the clan leaders, not Chris.
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 21:24:28

Level 58
ChrisCMU invests large amounts of time into organising all of this for the community. Stop being so selfish, PC & QB. If he wanted to ban The Poon Squad from ever participating again, he could. He clearly isn't taking any BS, this time around, like he did in CL6. If your clan members aren't interested in competing: tough. That is not ChrisCMU's fault, and "Maybe if Chris Cum was more organized things would run more smoothly" is really obnoxious.
Poon Squad Promotion/Relegation League I: 10/29/2015 21:25:29

Level 62
I like how the entirety of the Darklordz didn't join their games, but my clans the only one to get ostracized.
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