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Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/5/2016 21:54:30

Level 49
15 million for racial discrimination ?
A girl lost her leg and can't walk on the other one on a ride at Alton Towers and only got 5 million.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/5/2016 22:47:07

An abandoned account
Level 56
Well what has Trump himself done to the UK?

Incited hatred, which is a legally defined term.

People just can't like everyone else. Just because I don't like the person who spilled hot chocolate over my rough draft of a paper yesterday doesn't mean I should start a petition to ban him.

This is a bit more than not liking him or disagreeing with his policies. Hate preachers likes Donald Trump have no right to come here.

The UK is being dumb. Banning people who view things in a different light.

Inciting hatred though hate speech is a bit more than just simply "viewing something in a different light".

Congratulations, you are Hitler-lite.

No, Donald Trump is.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/5/2016 23:02:18

The Man Who'd Buy Spain
Level 30
Inciting hatred though hate speech is a bit more than just simply "viewing something in a different light".

Hate speech, my pretty little arse. Donald Trump brings to light some very real problems. Unfortunately, he a piss poor speaker and the media has an easy time distorting everything he says. My point was, that the UK is no different than Trump.

Congratulations, you are Hitler-lite.

No, Donald Trump is.

See, you didn't make the connection. The UK is doing exactly what Trump wants to do with Syrian refugees and illegal immigrants, only Trump has one or two good reasons for thinking the way he does.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/5/2016 23:09:17

Level 56
What, in specific, has Trump said that is inciting racial hatred? Examples, please. And please don't include the "Mexico is sending rapists" thing. It is a fact that well-educated upper-class Mexicans are not illegally entering America. Lower-class people, many criminals, are.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 00:10:19

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
It is a fact that well-educated upper-class Mexicans are not illegally entering America.

+1. That's excluding the fact that the criminals who don't illegally stay in the US are still sending dangerous narcotics over the border. You wanna know the sole reason for the Heroin epidemic in Northeastern Yankee states such as New Hampshire and New Jersey - a frickin porous border!! This is the ironic hypocrisy of Eastern Establishment Republicans and Yankee Democrats who demand an end to the drug epidemics but then call for amnesty and call people who want a border wall bigots and xenophobes.

Edited 1/6/2016 00:10:38
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 00:48:02

Lord Varys
Level 47
Let's take the "clock kid", who I have grown to not like.

A teacher thought his clock was a bomb, maybe because it looked like a bomb, or maybe because he was Muslim. Either way, it wasn't a bomb, it was a clock.
For this incident, which was made by poor judgement (I do think that the teacher handled the situation wrongly), this kid gets flooded with praise, and all sorts of high-end computer parts all due to a misunderstanding. He gets scholarships to technology colleges, which is funny, because my brother built a clock when he was two years younger than him, and he's going to a state university.

His family then proceeds to sue the state of Texas for 15 million dollars due to "emotional trauma". This kid is already in the news, has huge amounts of computer stuff given to him for free, and scholarships, even though he may have been dumb as a brick (I don't know), and still wants 5 million dollars.

That's where I draw the line for equality. Just because a little religious discrimination happened, does not mean you should get 15 million dollars.


Frankly, it's absurd. Anyone with half a mind too it can make a fucking clock. Damn, my nephew made a wonderful looking clock/flashlight that's also solar powered. (and I mean it was nice, and he actually made it entirely himself). And he's a pothead.

Let's just face it, the only thing this kid did was get accused of terrorism, which, if he is actually an intelligent person, was a very good idea.

He does not at all, though, deserve a penny for it.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 01:08:22

Level 56
I really wish people would stop saying that it's the "Criminals" that try to sneak in. No, it's the POOR that try to sneak in. The fact that they have to steal and commit crimes is because they have NOTHING and no one will help them because "They're a dirty forigner".

What do you do when you have nothing? you revert to survival... getting what you can any way you can, which is perfectly normal.

Instead of this whole "Wah wah they're coming into my country" bull how about we make their country worth being in or give them the needs to live on such as.. I don't know... Basic food and shelter?

I know if my country was invaded (Most of those in the middle east had no idea why the world were in their homes at least until Isis and most still don't truly know.) I'd be doing EVERYTHING to keep myself and my family healthy and safe. If you say you wouldn't, you're a liar (Or a self-loathing family-hater xD).

Edit: As for trump... If you're willing to spout lies and slander in political speeches you should be stripped of everything and thrown in jail.
Don't try and run for power and then tell blatant lies and incite hate.... That's what Hitler did and we know where that got us.

Anyone know how he thinks he'll get mexico to pay for that wall? Sounds like warmongering imo. The child is very dangerous.

Edited 1/6/2016 01:12:12
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 01:23:55

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
I really wish people would stop saying that it's the "Criminals" that try to sneak in. No, it's the POOR that try to sneak in. The fact that they have to steal and commit crimes is because they have NOTHING and no one will help them because "They're a dirty forigner".

Criminals do sneak in. And those that aren't criminals can't find a job because you know, they're illegal, and they eventually become criminals themselves. Basically, they bring the conditions they are trying to escape from with them.

What do you do when you have nothing? you revert to survival... getting what you can any way you can, which is perfectly normal.

Ah, I see you're not dumb. However, what is the United States supposed to do with them? Give them jobs because they crossed illegally?

Instead of this whole "Wah wah they're coming into my country" bull how about we make their country worth being in or give them the needs to live on such as.. I don't know... Basic food and shelter?

Ah, I see you think we should attack the problem at the source. Smart man. But how do we go about restoring Mexico and Central American countries from the sh*tpiles they've turned into? That's a lot of money you're talking about, there. This is where you start to see some hypocrisy from people and politicians. They hate everything the drugs and crime from Mexico is doing to us, but they don't want to spend money to stop it. I will say I agree with you, here.

I know if my country was invaded (Most of those in the middle east had no idea why the world were in their homes at least until Isis and most still don't truly know.) I'd be doing EVERYTHING to keep myself and my family healthy and safe. If you say you wouldn't, you're a liar (Or a self-loathing family-hater xD).

I would do everything to keep my family safe as well. Which is why I'm not stepping foot in Los Angeles or any other city near the border as long as illegal immigrants are joining gangs and ruling the streets.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 01:25:42

Lord Varys
Level 47
Comparing Trump to Hitler is insulting to Jews, and to Hitler.

For one, Hitler didn't lived in the Internet Age. Today, you can't tell a lie without MASSIVE support from the media.

Second, the stuff that Trump is suggesting is so tame to what Hitler started suggesting that it's not even funny to compare him to Hitler, it's shameful.

Three, ISIS is evil. They even slander the true ISIS, from Archer.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 01:30:39

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
LOL where to begin with this...

No, it's the POOR that try to sneak in.

You're almost right. You should say the whole thing: Its the Poor that try to sneak in to escape crime and poverty, but end up bringing criminals (the wolves) in as well who know they can mask themselves effectively in among the economic migrants (sheep). Also let's be blunt here the US should only be giving refugee status to actual frickin refugees who are escaping war. The people from Central America and Mexico are largely "economic migrants". There's a huge difference. More than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day...should we allow every single one of them to break the rule of law and enter the US as illegal immigrants?

how about we make their country worth being in or give them the needs to live on such as.. I don't know... Basic food and shelter

I don't think you understand the basic relationship between a nation's central government and its people. Please find the exact line in the US constitution where is says my taxpayer dollars have to go to Mexican and Central American governments to make them "worth being in". When did America become the world's bank for every other nation? When did we become the hole where all the 3rd world's poor get dumped in? When did we sign a pact saying we'll make every country as great and prosperous as our's?

I'd be doing EVERYTHING to keep myself and my family healthy and safe.

No one's doubting this or denying this fact of humanity's need to survive. What we're saying is that the rule of law trumps (ignore the pun) human desires. Committing an illegal act (and entering a country illegally is...YES...ILLEGAL) means that you inherently accept the consequences of those actions so if you get caught you get deported and if you commit a crime (felony or petty) you get deported.

You know what the US government and its supporters are really saying when they grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants who have been enjoying the fruits of an ill-gotten reward: their spitting in the face of every immigrant who's come into the US through the democratic and legal process, basically saying you're a second class citizen and we don't care if you were good enough to follow the law. Its insulting to families like mine and millions of other's who's parents or grandparents or great-grandparents risked a lot (in terms of their family, culture, and way of life) to come to the US. Anyway that's my 2 cents.

Edited 1/6/2016 01:31:56
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 02:26:28

Level 56
He has explained how he will make Mexico pay for the wall. He won't just waltz up and demand cash. He will install tariffs, threaten to cut trade ties, etc.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 02:30:10

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
It's not even going to be a massive wall. I swear, people have an image of the Great Wall of China with this topic. I can't see it being more than a souped-up barricade fence.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 02:51:50

Level 46
Well, considering the US has funded many governments before, such as Western Europe with the Marshall Plan and sent food aid to countries to places like North Korea.
It isn't in the constitution, but United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. is a very helpful Supreme Court case.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 03:02:51

[AOE] JaiBharat909
Level 56
Based on my skimming of US v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. it established 1) the power to conduct foreign policy as an enterprise of the national government and that 2) the President has exclusive rights to conduct foreign policy. In no way does this provide judicial or constitutional justification for the seizure of private property (income via taxes) and its redistribution to extra-national organizations whether they be international companies, foreign diplomats, or indeed entire nations.

considering the US has funded many governments before

Action does not constitute constitutional legality no matter the utilitarian or supposedly benevolent purposes behind it.

Edited 1/6/2016 03:03:01
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 04:36:15

Level 56
Trump's policies have their good and bad, but the sheer amount of rage and controversy Trump has invoked from all these contentious PC liberals is very satisfying.

He has become so much more than a normal politician, but a cultural phenomenon in recent months, loved by many and hated by others. When you have people making petitions and skywriting anti - Trump messages, you see already how successful he is.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 11:07:33

Welsh Knight
Level 59
heres some inside information.

When George Bush shakes his intern's hands he likes to fart, and blame it on a "Mexican Barking Spider".

America's presidents have been gettings, worse and worse...

at least Clinton and Dubya could show some humanity.

I think Trump would make a horrible reputation for America, and is more dangerous than even Hillary.

-Welsh Knight

p.s. Grandpa might have to get his shotgun out

Edited 1/6/2016 11:22:48
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 11:23:04

Angry Koala
Level 57
^ You should not be proud of this Pulsey, it is a real shame that the future potential president of the first world power is that much hated worlwide, and for good reasons.

Bush was a disaster (worldwide the US reputation worsened at lot with him, no need to explain why), Trump will be ten times worse.

Tell me why are you always talking about PC, each time someone is disagreeing with you guys? It has nothing to do with this, it is just about some people that disagree about trump's xenophobic and backward ideology and signed a petition, that will nonetheless not ban Trump from the UK, that was just a clever move from these people to show their disagreement and make people discussing about it, so I congrats the British for this, and this is not a little thing since it comes from a Frenchman! ;)

Someone saying that he will forbid all the muslims looking for a new life to come to the US just because he thinks every Muslim is a terrorist is utterly stupid, God I thought one Bush was enough for you, but no you are keeping with a total arrogant douche billionnaire despising the poor and the lower middle class, ready to dismantle the few social improvements made under Obama (health care among others), talking rubbish like Mexicans are rapists and robbers (and if this wasnt serious and "humour" this is not even funny), seriously in Europe this kind of statements are considered as worse to some far right european politicians words. So where are your ethics Man? Think a little about it, and stop poorly argumenting with your PC thing each time someone disagree with you, this is even more ridiculous. And people ashamed and annoyed of this British petition really made my day here.

Edited 1/6/2016 11:24:58
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 11:49:03

Welsh Knight
Level 59
what's trump got against mexican food? that stuff is great.
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 12:47:03

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
Someone saying that he will forbid all the muslims looking for a new life to come to the US just because he thinks every Muslim is a terrorist is utterly stupid,

Yeah, but he doesn't think this...

talking rubbish like Mexicans are rapists and robbers (and if this wasnt serious and "humour" this is not even funny),

*Illegal immigrants. He was talking about illegal immigrants. Half our gang members are Hispanic, and the majority of them are illegal.

seriously in Europe this kind of statements are considered as worse to some far right european politicians words. So where are your ethics Man?

Don't questions our ethics when the UK government is doing exactly what Trump is saying he'll do.

Think a little about it, and stop poorly argumenting with your PC thing each time someone disagree with you, this is even more ridiculous.

Make sure you don't take things out of context...

And people ashamed and annoyed of this British petition really made my day here.

UK citizens should be ashamed, because they are trying to accomplish what Trump wants to do, as their nation has previously done with many others before this time, simply because they have an unpopular opinion.

Edited 1/6/2016 13:17:31
Ban Donald Trump from the UK petition reply: 1/6/2016 13:15:39

Level 56
It has got a lot to do with a country and people spoilt by political correctness. The phenomenon these days is the overwhelming grip of PC stopping people from making reasonable views and sensible arguments. Many are coerced into taking the moral high ground so that they can feel good about themselves, failing to appreciate decision making when they have no burden of responsibility on its outcome. Discussions are avoided on the basis of labels like 'bigotry', 'racism', 'fascism' etc.

When Donald Trump makes policies on the grounds of, in my opinion, security, it is immediately nitpicked and labelled as 'racist', with the actual aim of the policy (stopping illegal immigration and mass influx of potential terrorists) being ignored.

This is perfectly seen in your comment as well. Notice how you don't actually TELL me WHY you think Trump's policies are 'backward' or 'stupid'. You just shove it down my throat like its taken for granted. Darth Darth Binks lists some reasons why I would disagree with your possible interpretation, if you even come up with one, or do you just follow the masses when your favourite media outlet, be it CNN or Fox News, tells you what you want to hear?

Edited 1/6/2016 14:25:07
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