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DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 18:10:47

Bradley Martens
Level 48
"i dont like diplo games, therefore you must ban them!"
that must be one of the most arrogant things i have ever read on this forum, and that is saying something.
If you don´t like a kind of game, don´t join them, i don´t join lottery games, i don´t yell at the forum for their complete destruction.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 18:39:30

Level 61
I host diplomacy games very often. There are hundreds of people out there who still play them. The hosts need to have set rules and nothing in the gray or unknown. Everything needs to be layed out. To help prevent PEs, I put restrictions on who can join, usually over the level of 8 to cut down on unwanted players. But cutting diplomacy games would make me drop this game, and if I did that, I would lose my fans. I have so many people who dedicate themselves to playing and having a fun game. Creating new diplomacy games is what keeps it interesting, fresh, and fun. I vote agaisnt the removal of the game mode.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 19:21:06

Level 63
If you don´t like a kind of game, don´t join them

That's why I don't join diplos, anymore - I always ended up blacklisting people.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 19:32:13

[ESP] Pablo García
Level 58
There is no need to vote for / against them. Just don't enter diplos. As easy as it looks.

New Yorkers don't like New Jersey, so let's ban NJ! I hope you understand me now, JS0223.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 19:39:26

Level 56
I've been in 3 diplomacy games with JS0223. In each one he ignored the rules and attacked everyone like it was a FFA. Then he got mad and either got eliminated by all the people he attacked or quit. So he kinda brought it on himself.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 19:46:25

Level 64
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 21:04:08

The Phenomenal One: Swaggerman
Level 47
I think dipplo games are fine. Everyone likes to play them as it's one of warlight's most popular kind of games. I say we keep the dipplos.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 22:40:46

Darth Grover
Level 52
Gruzzen, there is no vote. :-P This whole thread is just an idiot who blames diplomacy games on his inability to follow the rules of them.

It's just a bunch of bull coming from a dweeb with an entitlement complex.

He's basically saying that they should ban sandwiches because he keeps choking on them when he tries to eat them without chewing.

Edited 4/9/2015 22:43:29
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 22:50:39

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
Feeding the troll...
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/9/2015 23:18:31

Le Count H 
Level 60
How many times do I have to say this....I started the diplomacy's 3 years ago when I fell in love with scenarios so i can relive historical events. I stopped making these when all the booting and people not joining.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 00:01:06

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54

no offence, but i highly doubt you started diplos.

this game is 6-7 years old.

ive been here almost 3 years myself, and diplos were already fairly common when i joined.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 02:18:27

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Great JS0 is going onto Diplomacy games and breaking rules, little prick
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 02:40:54

Thomas 633
Level 56
Im Batman
Comment of yesterday
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 03:13:12

Tyrion Lannister
Level 54
shut the hell up.
no one likes you.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 03:44:55

Thomas 633
Level 56
I actually defended you back there
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 03:52:39

[WL] Colonel Harthacanute
Level 52
I like Thomas, not in a sexual way.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 03:56:59

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
Did you have to clarify that you liked him not sexually?
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 04:02:46

Thomas 633
Level 56
we run a clan together
we could get sexually attracted
(I agree with gay marriage and colonel doesn't)
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 15:36:36

Dark Invader
Level 55
The point is not that I don't like them, the point is that many people are being blacklisted and even are quitting because of them. The reason I'm not following the rules is, I'm showing how unfair and boring the rules are and how a simple attack makes you a PE. As someone said before, the game is about playing Risk, not playing United Nations. If you want a diplomacy, go to websites that ARE for playing United Nations, not websites that are for playing Risk.
DIPLOMACY GAMES - BIG PROBLEM: 4/10/2015 15:56:20

Darth Grover
Level 52
If YOU want RISK, join FFA games ONLY and let the players who enjoy diplomacy do their "unfair and boring" thing without you. You entitled little troll.

You choose to join a game and then blame the game when you choose to break the rules.

You sound like one of those people who think that rape is the victim's fault.

Besides, I'm sure that your demonstration of fractured logic and downright stupidity in this thread have done more to get you blacklisted by people than any of your breaking rules in games.

Edited 4/10/2015 17:19:56
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