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buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 19:16:44

Level 56
You just can't create a communist government without killing at least 10% of country's population. We've seen it in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Cambodia etc. Plus, commies want your money. If you don't give it to them, they wan't to kill you as a "enemy of working class".
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 19:17:44

Level 60
Marx theory and Engels who wrote those,had nothing to do with nazis nationalshism.wohever Stalin's fact sosialism was came from Marx and Engels theory with some items by Bakounin anarchy theory for colectivas and for humanism and the sentral power of the people.of course fact sosialism of Stalin was deployed to a ruin country like ''scourge''and never had nothing to do with the vision of Marx and Engels.The Communism is an outopia which implies purity of the individual.i hope some day to my generation or my son's that miracle made be true and capitalism fall.

And vardar troll,continue trolling.
Conclusion: nazism is bad, so communism is bad too.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 19:21:31

Level 56

Kreczmar, sure, communism has it's problems, but that's another debate, point is, communism is not like nazism.

Edited 5/1/2015 19:22:10
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 19:29:43

Level 60
At Greece we have a commounist goverment,without kill anybody and by elections.neoliberal capitalism of Milton Freedman was kill by suicade 10.500 people to my country and forced 100.000 to immigration for the past 5 years of austerity of uncle Milton and his followers(saumble,sarcozi,dragi,lagard,costelo,coelio and others)!!!!!
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 19:45:26

Level 56
It's not the same, but it has the same origins. If communism wasn't invented, nazism couldn't happen.

We can discuss this for a long time, but I think that we all agree that Greece is the real Mongolia.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 19:53:25

Level 60
I'm proud that you call my country mongolia,after all my greatgreatgreatgreatgrandfather reach there and they have greek blood on their veins!!i call you mongol means children with Down Syndrome...and keep trolling,mongol...hahahaha
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 19:58:46

Level 60
And communism is not a ''invention''...is the vision of the leftys for the disaster of (neoliberal) capitalism and orthodox of the markets.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:01:31

Level 56
Please speak English, because many of your posts are hard to understand.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:05:13

Level 60
Of course...a mongol can only understand something like this,
Mongol hahahaha,you want and english to read.αγγλικά κι στα μούτρα σου βλακα
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:16:02

Level 56
"Agou,agougaka,goukaka,agou,kaka" - I've thought Greek language is a little bit more complicated than this.
I can say that you're a gunwo and so what? What's the point of writing random stuff in language that nobody would understand? What's the point of offending peoplw which don't agree with you? Maybe you'd feel better if you offended the prime minister of your country? I do it almost every day and it helps.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:22:30

Level 60
Helps to your insanity?continue then with that what ''helps'' you.agoukaka,agouak,aggoouyehns!and btw,this is mongols language,not greek.that's why you undersatnd it perfectly.and i am not that insulting.after all YOU are the vardar mongol and that's a fact.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:25:11

Level 56
Ekhm. Do you even know where Mongolia is? Maybe you're a fat Mongolian kid who can't ride a horse so it spreads its anger around the internet?
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:27:09

Level 58
Yes... Yes... This makes so much sense...

Andreas, you make a thread about people bullying you and your country, because you are Greek, (and frankly there is a lot to make fun of about Greece). And then you decide to go around calling other people Mongols, (Kreczmar is Polish).

Please, treat people the way you would like people to be treated, because if this is how you normally behave, no wonder you get bullied. You can't expect much respect if you decide to go around calling other people barbarians and stuff. Also, how do you think Mongolian people feel? You are making fun of their ancestors, and you ridicule them for not having the most rich of cultures. Perhaps, the only reason you make fun of the Mongols, is because they were the only country ever to be poorer than Modern Day Greece, maybe. That is a lot like being picked on in school, and then to make yourself feel better, you kick kids in wheelchairs. That's not cool (and neither is Greece!)
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:32:30

Level 60
Ride a horse?i ''ride''my wife.when my ansectors went there yours where up on the trees like apps and eat bananas!!!agougaga,goukakaoouu,ooouggg!!!!
And you must at least 200 kilos,so komplex to call the others fats...keep trolling vardar troll
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:36:25

Level 58
You know what? You won't even stop bullying him for his weight, his nationality, etc.

Greece is a country full of pigdogs that do not know how to control their own economy. They are incompetent mouthbreathers who do not know how to make a living because they are so obsessed with "the good life" that they forget what really matters. Greece is full of people who waste time building up their pensions, avoiding tax, and escaping the police, that they have turned what was once the greatest region in the entire world, into a total, and utter shambles.

buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:45:04

Level 60
Bla,bla,bla.the same idiotic propaganda....is almost for laughs what are you writting about.come down here and see,don't eat what ever bbc and ft or bild and faz write of.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:53:07

Level 60
Continue trolling as the vardar troll did,and i know that he is polish.and you know that the worst crimes here at Greece were been from polish immigrants?even through that the best man at my wedding were polish!and i did not insult anybody before they did.that's a fact,period.
And one more thing.what did the past three generations and their goverments at my country it was directed by the nortys neoliberal politicians to made it protectorate of national bept!it was the exactly same thing that Kissinger wrote.they just accomplish it.
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 20:57:16

Level 56
Why do you call everybody Vardar? Why do you call everybody by the name of a river? Has someone called you Mekong, Mississippi or something? I haven't noticed...
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 21:01:41

Level 60
Is the name of the ''country''that you support in this thread,that's why i call like this.or you wish to call you Katyn?or idiot,or stubip,or curva,or Μαλακάς?is up to you!

Edited 5/1/2015 21:04:54
buyling at warlight against Greece: 5/1/2015 22:08:55

Level 56
pls uz ur bren
wy du u haf 2 be so dum? xddddd
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