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US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/20/2015 23:03:41

Level 59
Ok, thanks for the advice.

This talk is pointless. I don't care how seriously you take my posts anymore. And don't think it was a discussion, because I was never trying to convince you to anything.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/20/2015 23:11:31

Level 57
Bye Felicia.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/20/2015 23:25:11

Level 59
the biggest problem is police are not held accountable when they commit crimes. what we hear about from the media is likely a small percentage of police abuses because people are afraid to report or are not taken seriously. and the police are very good at covering things up. obviously i have no way to back this up, but it seems like common sense to me.

and i think police should be held to higher standards because they have the ability to kill someone very quickly and easily.

also, there is a climate of fear, especially in urban communities. when people are afraid they sometimes do stupid things like run from police or fight them. that shouldn't be a death sentence, especially as it's decided by someone who isn't a judge.

it doesn't matter how many people or what percentage are killed. one is too many, and to say something like "they shouldn't have been running" without acknowledging the problem is monstrous
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 04:39:02

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
i skipped to the end only reading the first few so i don't know if its been corrected however "more kiled in a day then other countries do in a year" at 500 killings and 365 days...your saying countries kill less then 2.5 people er year...dumbass

Race mean's nothing...to hate someone for race is nothing...for me to call someone a nigger means i'm exercising freedom of speech...if i attack someone with that word personally its a bit over the line though...you can ban an idealistic (although people will still believe it (nazis) BUT YOU CANT BAN A WORD) in turn you can call me a racist...doesn't mean shit to me and barely means shit to you...

US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 04:47:26

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
When your police buy military equipment at a alarming rate, are known to break laws, are known to slam you to the floor for looking at them funny, have done this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb1WywIpUtY ,and work for a government with a history of brutally suppressing rights it's fair to have a little distrust.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 05:35:47

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
its not...if a cop saves your life would you care if hes black or white (also that military equipment is put to good use)
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 05:35:48

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
its not...if a cop saves your life would you care if hes black or white (also that military equipment is put to good use)
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 05:36:07

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 06:01:04

Major General Smedley Butler
Level 51
yes destroying buildings, killing people, beating people is putting military equipment to good use, and the police need to learn violence with assault rifles, grenade launchers, tanks and tear gas is not the answer either.
Edit: and I never mentioned anything about the Police officer in questions race

Edited 6/21/2015 06:02:52
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 06:19:47

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
you implied it to an extent..."destroying buildings, killing people, beating people" proof?

also tear gas is nessicary however the other three just help to surpress rioteers who dont know shit on how to protest...
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 06:47:33

Level 56
you implied it to an extent..."destroying buildings, killing people, beating people" proof?

also tear gas is nessicary however the other three just help to surpress rioteers who dont know shit on how to protest...

Not here to argue but thought i'd Mention that late night TV in england is full of shows about American police brutality.
I know it's not all cops, most want to do the right thing.... But there has to be an issue if we're making tv shows about said issues.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 14:07:21

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
But there has to be an issue if we're making tv shows about said issues.

There are a couple issues.

1) Racial tensions still exist. It's cringe-worthy. People out there are ready to back up somebody of the same heritage even if said person blew up a school.

2) The way police are chosen is too lax of a way. We need, as a country, a way to make sure that anyone who becomes a police officer knows what to do and when.

3) People are f*cking stupid. Nobody wants to address the issue that too high a percentage of the public don't respect the police force and have adopted a "f*ck the police" train of thought. Hell, there's a rap with the same name. Pretty sure it's a best-seller or something. These idiots put police in a scenario where they have to make a choice in a short amount of time, and if the officer makes a mistake in one of these situations, nobody acknowledges the fact that the police are still human and shun them for not doing their job, when they should be just as angry at the idiot who provoked/threatened the officer to make him do what he did.
The public rallies behind the dead criminal and turns them into a martyr, while insulting the entire system that keeps them safe from criminals. It's always the cop's fault to the public, and in a lot of cases, they would be right, but

4) The media likes to screw with society with bullcrap cases instead of legitimate "bad cop" cases. In doing so, society believes what the media gives them, and now we have a police-hating society, which will only make things worse.

America's royally screwed.

Edited 6/21/2015 14:11:45
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 15:07:29

Level 59
as a teen i was slammed to the ground quite a few times for mouthing off to cops. yes it was stupid, it wasn't worth getting roughed up over. but that doesn't change the fact that my right of free speech was violated by someone who was supposed to be "protecting" me.

as someone who doesn't own property, I've never felt protected by the police. I've never had anything to lose except my life, and without a 24 hr police escort, i doubt they would have a chance of protecting that.

i imagine this is felt by a majority of poor people living in dangerous places.

what i'm saying is don't discount someone's rage over police brutality, not everyone experiences the tangible (or arguably intangible) protection of the police. for some, their only interactions are negative.

(yes i know without police we would live in anarchy, but some people already live in anarchy and only see the police when they come to bust someone for bringing that anarchy to a more well to do neighborhood)
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 15:16:40

Level 59
martian, you should research who wrote that song and the conditions they lived under. it may or may not give you a little more perspective. I'm not saying you have to agree with the sentiment, but if you're going to mention what anyone said or wrote i think it is essential to know why they wrote it, and what it really means.

im on a phone using 3g, so i can't provide any links.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 15:27:03

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
damnit shyb... hard to argue that however i will not knock your right to free speech...but tell me, just becuase our president makes a few shite decisions, should we impeach him then and there? depending on the decisions (in this hypothetical they are minor) then its not worth impeachment of a figure that is to uphold the athority and integrity...although i will admit racism is still a thing and it is a burden on more then a few people, riots,robberies, extremism, etc...ITS NOT RIGHT IN tHE SLIGHTEST.... THE PEOPLE AT CHARLESTON CHURCH FORGAVE THE SHOOTER...AND THEY DID RIGHT...SO WHY WAS FERGUSEN IN MADNESS (requiring military equipment to surpress)
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 15:45:03

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
shyb, I know there are bad cops, on which this song was based. BUT, this song generalizes. And I have brains enough to know that these guys aren't referring to all cops, I hope not, but other people, especially kids, do not.

"Without a gun and a badge, what do ya got? A sucka in a uniform waiting to get shot by me or another nigga."

Not what you want to say to try to be understood.

Edited 6/21/2015 15:45:30
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 15:57:52

Level 59
i'm not condoning rioting. people in ferguson felt they had no other recourse to right the wrongs that happened to them. it was not the right way to seek justice.

but it wasn't all about michael brown. that was just the final tipping point for a community that for many years thought of their police force as predatory and not protecting.

whether or not they were justified in believing that is up for debate, but only the people living in ferguson at that time can answer that.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 16:04:15

Level 59
what i'm saying is try to understand where people are coming from and what their motives are. they come from a very real place. although the action is ugly, the causes shouldn't be discounted.

not to say any of you are discounting, but in general that's what is and always happens.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 16:15:26

Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
I understand both and keep them in mind, but if we as a society want to come closer together and decrease the needless conflict, things like that song, and generalizations from every side, need to be stopped.

Also, damn, cops should also be trained not to react to petty words like they did with you.
US police: 1000 killings per year!: 6/21/2015 16:16:21

[Wolf] Relmcheatham
Level 56
who cares...whites,blacks,hispanics,asians WHO GIVES A FUCK, noone should commit crimes against there own government becuase they are upset
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